
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lai34965
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采用氮、磷肥单施或配比施肥等10个不同的肥料处理,在沿太湖地区对紫云英产量、养分积累以及紫云英耕翻回田后土壤养分的变化进行了研究。结果表明,氮肥对紫云英地上部分和总产量的提高效应显著大于磷肥,而磷肥的施用特别是氮磷肥配施对紫云英地下部分增产效应显著高于氮肥。氮肥和磷肥对植株氮含量提高的效率较接近,而单独施用磷肥和氮磷肥配合施用能显著提高植株磷含量和磷积累量。紫云英还田可以提高土壤有机质和全氮含量,在氮肥(N)施用量为103.5 kg/hm2、磷肥(P2O5)为72 kg/hm2时,紫云英还田量最高达34 606 kg/hm2,土壤有机质和全氮含量达到28.16 g/kg和1.540 g/kg,比空白分别提高36.3%和35.7%。 Ten different fertilizers, such as nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer alone or compound fertilization, were used to study the changes of soil nutrients in the areas along the Taihu Lake after the production of milkvetch, the accumulation of nutrients and the transplanting of purple-leaved and tilipy soil. The results showed that the increasing effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the aboveground part and total yield of Astragalus sinicus was significantly greater than that of phosphate fertilizer. However, the application of phosphate fertilizer, especially the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, was significantly higher than that of nitrogen fertilizer on the underground part of Astragalus sinicus. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are more effective to increase the nitrogen content of plants, and the application of phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer alone can significantly increase the plant phosphorus content and phosphorus accumulation. The return of the soil to the soil increased the soil organic matter and total nitrogen, and reached the highest level of 34 606 kg / hm2 when the N application rate was 103.5 kg / hm2 and P2O5 was 72 kg / hm2. hm2. The contents of soil organic matter and total nitrogen reached 28.16 g / kg and 1.540 g / kg, respectively, up 36.3% and 35.7% respectively compared with the blank.
目的:为了探讨3株Pseudomonas sp.对吡啶降解存在多样性.方法:基于16S rRNA和ISR序列分析,对3株分离菌株进行初步鉴定,进而通过Touch -Down PCR,对3株细菌降解吡啶的多样性进
目的 对西藏自治区墨脱县达木乡珠村发生的一起内源性疟疾暴发疫情进行描述和分析,以明确此次疟疾暴发的病例分型、分布特征、流行程度和流行规律,为防治和消除疟疾提供科学
目的:研究透明颤菌血红蛋白基因(vgb)在产聚γ-谷氨酸(γ- PGA)的地衣芽孢杆菌ATCC9945a中的表达及对其生物量和产量的影响.方法:以大肠杆菌-枯草芽孢杆菌的穿梭表达载体pUBC
目的 构建人MEKK3基因编码区序列(cDNA)的真核表达载体、建立其稳定表达细胞株并观察其对肺腺癌细胞增殖的影响.方法 从A549细胞中提取总RNA,应用RT-PCR扩增MEKK3 cDNA的全
为提供合理预防和治理滇池湖滨带重金属污染以及修复湖滨带生态系统的基础资料,应用BCR 3步连续提取法对滇池湖滨带表层沉积物的重金属(包括Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn)形态特征进行了分