
来源 :青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swzzhn01
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一、职业类别、从业身份的说明在理解和把握当代中国青年的价值取向及其演变的时候,我们无法回避下列事实:各类青年在许多主要的价值评价领域并不完全一致。这首先是由“青年”这一集合概念本身引起的,这一概念是超越了许多具体社会特征方面的差别而形成的。这并不等于说上述差别就不存在了。恰恰相反,在青年小观念层面和行为层面,它无时不体现出来。要准确描述过去十年多期间中国青年价值观念及其演变的轨迹,就要充分考虑到上述差别,要深入其中,全面 I. Description of Occupation Category and Professional Identity In understanding and grasping the value orientation and evolution of contemporary Chinese youth, we can not evade the fact that all kinds of youth are not completely consistent in many major areas of value evaluation. This is caused, above all, by the concept of the “youth” itself, a concept that goes beyond the many distinctions in specific social characteristics. This does not mean that the above difference does not exist. On the contrary, it is always reflected in the concept of youth and behavior. To accurately describe the trajectory of the Chinese youth values ​​and their evolution over the past decade and a time, we must fully consider the above differences,
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