
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosanhuah
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在新形势下,坚持和健全党的民主集中制原则,应树立以下四种观念。第一,要有高度的民主观念。在新的形势下,党的建设中出现了一些新情况、新问题。其主要表现在:有的丢掉民主搞集中,讨论问题走过场,以讲究效率为借口,匆忙地进行集中;还有集中的不是多数人的意见,而是个别人或少数成员的意见;有的带着各种“框框”搞集中,在讨论重大问题时,党委书记先把“框框”抛出来,引导其他成员往自己的意见上集中;还有的是脱离实际搞集中,闭门造车,凭主观臆断和常规经验讨论问题,集中意见,常常出现“过去,上次,其它单位是怎么办的,现在就应怎么办”等等。面对这些情况和问题,作为书记要认真研究,摸索规律,善于抓住本质,以 Under the new situation, the following four concepts should be established in order to uphold and improve the party’s principle of democratic centralism. First, there must be a high degree of democratic ideas. Under the new situation, some new situations and new problems have emerged in the party’s construction. Its main manifestations are as follows: Some lose the democracy to engage in concentration, discuss the issue through the field, in order to pay attention to efficiency as an excuse to rush to focus; there is not concentrated opinion of the majority, but the views of individuals or minority members; some with When discussing major issues, party committee secretaries first throw the “box and frame” to guide other members to concentrate on their own opinions. Others are concentrating on and leaving behind closed doors and discussing with subjective assumptions and routine experiences Problems, focus on opinions, often appear “in the past, the last time, other units is how to do, and now what should be done” and so on. In the face of these situations and problems, as secretary, we should conscientiously study and explore the law and be good at grasping the essence to
在云南中甸县虎跳峡镇,只要提起杨润光的名字,没人不知。这位44岁的普米族汉子,退伍军人,省、州、县表彰的优秀企业家,在自己承包的虎跳峡电冶厂里,强化劳动纪律,引入 In Z
由优秀退伍军人王德彬出资发起,与四川泸州市有关部门共同组织的酒城首届十大孝子评选活动,于2月上旬揭晓,王洪彬、陈启烽、淳义容等10人获此殊荣。 今年33岁的王德彬,是四
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