
来源 :国外金属矿山 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaoxiaoren
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随着岩石和矿物需求量的逐年增大,需要有较大的区较深的采石场和露天矿以满足需求。土方工程设备在规模上的大幅度增长和钻孔技术的进步,意味着台阶高度和陡帮倾角的提高。由此,工作面的稳定性和邻近最终边帮的爆破方法显得更加重要。对处于生产期的露天矿和采石场,最重要的是保证开采能力和安全性。在矿山整个开采期间,确保进入工作面的通道可靠是必要的。工作面任何部分的意外终止将对开采的赢利产生灾难性的影响。控制爆破方法产生已久,通过试凑法,目前已得到了广泛的应用。用各种炸药和爆破参数反复试验直至在对应的现场条件下获得合适的爆破组合方法。由于额外钻孔栩有时采用特制炸药所付的费用,控制爆破并不是最经济有效的穿爆方法。但当所考虑的问题从费用转移到台阶的安全性和稳定性时.这种花费是事半功倍。介绍了应用于澳大利亚露天矿的控制爆破方法,还提到了一些被用于维护露天矿台阶稳定性的设计方法.诸如缓冲爆破、预裂爆破、后裂爆破以及这些方法与生产爆破相结合的运用,等等。 As the demand for rock and minerals increases each year, larger quarries and open pit mines are needed to meet the demand. The substantial increase in size of earthmoving equipment and advances in drilling technology mean an increase in the height of the steps and the steep slope. As a result, the stability of the working face and the method of blasting adjacent to the final edge are even more important. For open-pit mines and quarries that are in production, the most important thing is to ensure mining capacity and safety. During the entire mining operation, it is necessary to ensure reliable access to the work surface. The unplanned termination of any part of the work surface will have a catastrophic effect on mining profits. Controlled blasting method has been produced for a long time and passed the trial and error method, so far it has been widely used. With a variety of explosives and blasting parameters repeatedly tested until the appropriate field conditions to obtain the appropriate combination of blasting methods. Blasting is not the most cost-effective method of blasting due to the extra drilling costs sometimes incurred by specially made explosives. But when the issues under consideration shift from cost to security and stability on the steps. This cost is more with less. The controlled blasting method used in open pit mines in Australia is also described and some design methods used to maintain the stability of open pit mines are also mentioned. Such as bursting blasting, presplit blasting, post-burst blasting and the combination of these methods with production blasting, and so on.
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