
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidfeng2009
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1995年4月14日,中国十大名花邮票的压轴花——桂花邮票首发式,在桂花之乡威宁市举行,来自全国的一千多名集邮爱好者赶到现场。当朱力钊走上主席台时,全场爆发出热烈的掌声,这无疑是对默默无闻辛苦了三年的设计师的最高奖赏和回报。年满46岁的朱力钊,是湖北省集邮公司的美术设计师,多年来设计过不少邮品,而冲击国家名片,桂花邮票则是他的“处女作”。从1990年起,朱力钊开始参与桂花邮票的设计准备工作。他多次到威宁桂花镇实地写生,摄影与收集资料,认真地观察、研究桂花,阅读古今中外关于桂花的书。有感于当地花农的辛劳和对家乡的热爱之情,促使朱力钊下决心把桂花的内在美画出来。他反复咏诵那些古人描写桂花的诗句,感觉那种“暗淡轻黄体性柔,情疏进远只香留,何须浅碧深红色,自是花中第一流”的奇妙意境,他苦苦思索,探索用什么手法才能恰当表现。 On April 14, 1995, the finale of Chinese top ten flower stamps - the first of osmanthus stamps, was held in Weining, the hometown of sweet-scented osmanthus. More than 1,000 philatelic enthusiasts from across the country rushed to the scene. When Zhu Li Zhao onto the podium, the audience burst into warm applause, which is undoubtedly the painstaking three years of designer’s highest reward and rewards. Zhu Lizhao, 46, is an art designer at the philatelic company in Hubei Province. Over the years, he has designed a number of postal products, but his name card and osmanthus stamps are his “debut work.” Since 1990, Zhu Li Zhao began to participate in the design of the osmanthus stamp preparation. He repeatedly went to the Weining osmanthus town on-the-spot sketching, photographing and collecting information, carefully observed and studied osmanthus, and read the book about osmanthus at all times and in all countries. The feeling of hardworking local flower-growers and the love of their hometown prompted Zhu Li-chiu to make a determination to draw the inner beauty of sweet-scented osmanthus flowers. He repeatedly chant the ancients described the sweet-scented osmanthus verses, feeling the kind of “dark light yellow body soft, love sparse far fragrance only, why should the dark blue crimson, is the first flow of flowers ” wonderful mood, he bitter Thinking hard, to explore what techniques can be properly demonstrated.
FMO能量简易求解及与σ常数线性关系研究周文富吕少仿(福建三明高等师范专科学校化学系36500)(湖北孝感师范专科学校化学系,432100)FMO能量是化学反应活性的重要参数 ̄([1][2]),由于受实验测定的限制,目前报道的
介绍用压印制模法制造直齿圆锥齿轮的精锻模。实践证明,该法比电火花加工法具有明显的优越性。 Introduce the use of imprint molding method for manufacturing straight b
性幼稚——视网膜色素变性——多指(趾)畸形综合征,又称Lanrence-Moon-Biedl Sydrome,是一个罕见的先天性发育畸形,文献上很少有报道,现将我们见到的一例报告如下: 男性患儿
本文叙述了稀土硅钡镁合金的研制过程。对中频炉熔配法进行了研究,对电弧炉应用重晶石冶炼该合金进行了有意义的探索,并对冶炼机理进行了合理的推断。 This article describes