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1986年5月8~31日,根据国家教育委员会与日本学术振兴会签订的学术交流备忘录,我应邀作为东京工业大学精密工学研究所的客座研究员访问了日本,主要接待者——中野和夫教授热情地作了周密细致的安排。在日期间,顺利地访问了东京工业大学、丰桥技术科学大学、上智大学、筑波大学等七所院校,油研工业株式会社、岛津制作所等六个企业;还参观了通产省机械技术研究所;出席了日本油空压学会春季学术讲演会;拜会了油空压学术界许多知名学者和友好人士。这次访日,给我留下了深刻的印象,现简介如下。比较突出的印象多层次的科研体制在日本,有国家研究所、企业、学校三部分科研力量,它们之间的分工是明确的,各自又是分层次的。国家研究所着重于未来、全新的大规模项目研究,特别重视最新科研成就的交叉开发利用;学校则重于基础、方法和理论方面的研究,大学附设的研究机构有多种形式:附属研究所、共同利用研究所(属各校同行业研究人员共同利用)、和附属研究中心(比研究所小,是为促进综合研究特定主题的体制而设立的);工厂研究所则以应用研究和开发研究为主,实力雄厚的各大公司设有总公司和各事业部门两级研究所,基础研究、目的基础研究和中长期研究均由企业的公司一级研究所承担,而一 From May 8th to 31st, 1986, according to the academic exchange memorandum signed between the National Board of Education and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, I was invited to visit Japan as a visiting researcher at the Institute of Precision Engineering of Tokyo Institute of Technology. The main receptionist, Professor Nakano Kazuo, expressed enthusiasm. A detailed and careful arrangement was made. During the day, he successfully visited seven institutions including Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, Sophia University, Tsukuba University, Yuken Industry Co., Ltd. and Shimadzu Corporation; and also visited MITI. Institute of Machinery Technology; attended the Spring Academic Conference of the Japan Society of Oil Pneumatics; and met many well-known scholars and friendly people in the oil-air pressure academia. This visit to Japan left a deep impression on me. I will now introduce it as follows. More prominent impressions Multi-level scientific research system In Japan, there are three parts of national research institutes, companies, and schools. The division of labor between them is clear, and each is divided into different levels. The National Institute of Research focuses on the future, new large-scale project research, paying special attention to the cross-development and utilization of the latest research achievements; the school focuses on basic, methodological and theoretical research, and the research institutes attached to universities have various forms: , the Jointly Utilized Research Institute (commonly used by researchers of the same industry in various schools), and the affiliated research centers (smaller than the institutes, which are established to promote the comprehensive study of the specific themes of the system); the factory research institutes use applied research and development. Research is a major company with strong strengths. There are two levels of research institutes at headquarters and in various business departments. Basic research, basic research on purpose, and mid- and long-term research are all undertaken by company-level research institutes.