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近日,国家发展改革委、国家林业局共同签署了《关于联合开展生态大数据应用与研究工作的战略合作协议》,双方在建立高效的信息共享、合作研发和沟通交流机制的基础上,充分运用大数据技术、理念和资源服务于生态发展,发挥林业在生态建设中的主体作用,提高林业在维护国家生态安全中的基础作用。战略合作对开展生态大数据建设具有重要意义。国家林业局是促进大数据发展部际联席会议成员单位之一,高度重视大数据发展与应用,在出台的《关于加快中国林业大数据发展的指导意见》中明确提出通过战略合作推动生态大数据建设的思路。通过联合开展生态大数据建设,从根本上为生 Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Forestry Administration signed the “Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Carrying out the Application and Research of Ecological Big Data”. Based on the establishment of an efficient mechanism for information sharing, cooperative R & D and communication, both parties have made full use of Big data technologies, ideas and resources serve the ecological development, giving full play to the main role of forestry in ecological construction and enhancing the fundamental role of forestry in safeguarding national ecological security. Strategic cooperation is of great significance to the development of ecological big data. SFA is one of the member units promoting the inter-ministerial joint conference on big data development and attaches great importance to the development and application of big data. In the Guiding Opinion on Accelerating the Development of China’s Forestry Big Data, the SFA explicitly proposed to promote eco-big data through strategic cooperation Building ideas. Through joint development of ecological big data construction, fundamentally make a living
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本文着重对地方文献收集整理的作用和开发利用价值作了分析。在各级地方政府领导和重视下,经过组织分工、落实责任和得力措施,能够做好地方文献的收集整理和开发利用。 This
2016年11月2日讯:粗枝云杉(Picea asperata Mast.)为我国特有云杉种,是川西高原、甘肃南部和陕西西南部等亚高山地区的主要造林树种。粗枝云杉目前以种子繁殖和扦插繁殖为主,