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菜青虫是为害甘蓝、白菜等十字花科蔬菜的主要害虫,1983年营口县曹官村的5亩中生甘蓝,因菜青虫为害几乎绝产。过去防治菜青虫主要使用故百虫、敌敌畏及乐果等农药,但由于长期使用,防治效果很不理想。有的生产单位将浓度由1.500倍提高到100倍,仍不奏效。 Cabbage caterpillars are the major pests responsible for cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and cabbage. In 1983, 5 mu of medium-sized cabbage in Caoguan Village, Yingkou County was practically aborted because of cabbage caterpillars. In the past, it was mainly used for preventing and controlling Pieris brassicae, pesticides such as dichlorvos and dimethoate, but the control effect was not satisfactory due to long-term use. Some production units will increase the concentration from 1.500 times to 100 times, still does not work.
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A theory of nonfluidized gas-solids flow, which combines the theory of multiphase flow with the mechanics of particulate media, was proposed on the basis of und
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中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana,Fabricius,一七九三)分布遍及全国各地,适应环境能力极强,极少发生传染性疾病,工作勤奋,是亚洲的优良蜜蜂品种。为掌握中蜂的飼养技术,我們开始对中蜂
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