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一些地方为了把资源优势有效的转化为经济优势,从而达到加快地方经济发展的目的,专门地针对招商引资出台了一系列优惠政策,积极优化投资环境,引进了大批外地客商入驻投资开发办厂矿、办企业。此举在加快地方经济发展确实是取得了明显的成效,是一种好的做法。但笔者发现,一些地方只关注这些厂矿、企业每年为地方带来多少经济效益,而忽视了对这些外资厂矿、企业内部先进的管理经验、技术等做法的借鉴和引进。从某种角度上讲,这不得不说是我们的一种遗憾! In order to speed up the development of local economy, some places have introduced a series of preferential policies specifically for attracting foreign capital and actively optimized their investment environment in order to effectively transform their resource advantages into economic advantages. As a result, a large number of foreign businessmen have been brought in to set up factories for the investment and development, Do business. This move is indeed a good one in accelerating the development of local economy. However, the author finds that in some places, only those factories and mines and enterprises are concerned about how much economic benefit they bring to the place each year, while the reference and introduction of these foreign factories and mines, advanced management experiences and technologies in the enterprises are ignored. From a certain point of view, this has to say is our kind of regret!
Background: There are challenges in detection and prevalence of cracked teeth, especially in asymptomatic cases. This underestimates the actual prevalence and p
Context: Facial cellulitis of dental origin is relatively frequent and severe. Objective: The aim of this document to describe the epidemiological, clinical, th
经过多次对油茶病苗进行组织分离、培养、纯化,获得镰孢属(Fusarium sp.)真菌的纯培养,并采用70%白色甲托、40%枯萎灵、75%多菌灵、70%代森猛锌、50%福美双5种杀菌剂对该菌株
采用MATLAB GUI工具箱进行了红外图像坏元检测软件设计。软件可绘制红外图像的灰度直方图、检测图像中的坏元、获取坏元的位置信息并将坏元在图像中标记显示。测试结果表明,