亚太经济合作构想产生于60年代,经过20多年的发展,亚太经济合作有了长足的进展。在世界经济集团化、区域化加速发展及亚太区域内各经济实体间相互依赖日深的情况下,区内各成员国(地区)加快经济合作步伐。建立适当的贸易、投资和总体经济协商对话机制已刻不容缓。 一、亚太经济合作的特性
The concept of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation came into being in the 1960s. After more than 20 years of development, great progress has been made in the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. With the consolidation of the world economy, accelerating regionalization and the deepening interdependence between the various economic entities in the Asia-Pacific region, all member countries and regions in the region have accelerated the pace of their economic cooperation. It is an urgent task to establish an appropriate dialogue mechanism for trade, investment and overall economic negotiation. First, the characteristics of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation