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长虹 NC—3机心彩电(2919系列)作为当时的高端彩电,市场拥有量是相当大的。时值21世纪,该机器已经服役十余年了,但是其优异的性能,还是使其东家“恋恋不舍”。鉴于此,该机心的社会维修量是相当大的。为了降低维修成本,尽管有很多同志采用短接某些组件或摘掉某些“增值”型电路(如:“扫描速度调制”电路、“同步性能改善”电路等)的方法来达到维修的目的。但是作为整机信号通道的“咽喉”性电路——中放电路是无法“偷工减料”的。下面我们对该机心的中放组 Changhong NC-3 heart televisions (2919 series) as the high-end color TV, the market share is quite large. When the 21st century, the machine has been in service for more than ten years, but its excellent performance, or to its owners “reluctantly ”. In view of this, the amount of social maintenance of this movement is considerable. In order to reduce the cost of maintenance, many comrades have adopted short-circuiting some components or removing some of the “value added” circuits (eg, “scan speed modulation” circuit, “synchronous performance improvement” circuit, etc.) Method to achieve the purpose of maintenance. However, as the signal channel of the machine “throat ” circuit - in the discharge circuit is unable “cut corners ”. Let’s move on to this machine in the group
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