
来源 :中国资产评估 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyxxzh
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新春伊始,开卷一章,记者采访了中国资产评估协会秘书长刘萍。资产评估行业是市场经济发展的必然产物。做好资产评估工作,是历史赋予行业的神圣职责。当前,资产评估行业正处在一个重要的转折关头,协会肩负的任务十分繁重,我们要善于协调,勤于服务,确立创新的意识。同时要审时度势,把准方向,寻求科学发展。服务要创新,讲素质服务。制定评估行业的发展策略、办法、规划等,需要熟悉情况,善于学习,强化接收新理念。要关心国际的评估行业的发展变化,真正与国际接轨。在财政部门及行政主管机关的正确领导下,行业同仁上下一心、同心同德,为提高资产评估行业社会公信力,克服前进道路上的困难,不断取得新的进步和发展而共同努力。相信评估行业,一如凤凰涅盘,向着光明的前方,展开腾飞的翅膀。 Beginning of the new spring, a chapter of the book, the reporter interviewed Liu Ping, secretary general of China Assets Appraisal Association. Asset evaluation industry is the inevitable product of the development of market economy. Doing a good job in asset valuation is the sacred duty that history has given to the industry. At present, the asset appraisal industry is at an important turning point. The mission of the association is very heavy. We must be good at coordination, diligently serve and establish the awareness of innovation. At the same time, we should review the situation, take the quasi-direction and seek scientific development. Service to innovation, quality service. Formulating assessment of the development of the industry strategy, methods, planning, etc., need to be familiar with the situation, good at learning, and strengthen the acceptance of new ideas. To care about the development and changes in the international assessment industry, truly with the international standards. Under the correct leadership of the financial departments and administrative authorities, industry colleagues work together with one mind and one heart and one mind to improve the social credibility of the asset appraisal industry, overcome the difficulties on the road to progress, and continuously make new progress and development. Believe that the assessment of the industry, as the Phoenix Nirvana, toward the bright front, start to take off the wings.
江西南昌市新建区墎墩汉墓M1(海昏侯刘贺)的发掘引起了考古界乃至社会各领域的广泛关注,新闻媒体也予以多角度跟踪报道 该墓葬本体规模宏大,由甬道、东西车库、回廊形藏閤、
一、中国宏观经济展望rn展望未来一段时期,有利于经济稳定增长的因素不少.从国际上看,全球经济总体延续复苏态势,近期国际货币基金组织(I M F)等进一步上调了今明两年全球经