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公证法颁布八周年公证事业快速发展年均办理公证事项千万件以上自2005年8月公证法颁布以来,我国公证事业得到快速发展,全国公证机构年均办理公证事项在1000万件以上,公证文书发往世界180多个国家和地区。“这些年来,各地公证机构和广大公证员认真贯彻落实依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的基本方略,贯彻实施公证法,坚持服务、改革、建设并举,积极服务经济社会发展大局,大力拓展和规范公证法律服务,努力做到‘依法履责、充分履责、规范履责、诚信履责’,始终维护和不断增强公证公信力,公证事业实现了持续健康发展。”司法部副部长赵大程8月27日接受《法制日报》记者采访时说。 Notary Law promulgated the eighth anniversary of the rapid development of the notarization of the average annual handling notarization matters more than 10 million since August 2005 Notary Law promulgated since the rapid development of notarization in our country, the national notary office to handle notarization matters in more than 10 million, notarization Instruments sent to more than 180 countries and regions. “In recent years, the notarization offices and the public notaries in various places have conscientiously implemented the basic strategy of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country under the rule of law. They have implemented notary law, adhered to service, reform and construction simultaneously, actively served the overall situation of economic and social development, Standardize notary legal services and strive to fulfill the principle of ”carrying out duties in accordance with the law, fully performing the duties, regulating the fulfillment of responsibilities, performing the duties in good faith“, always maintaining and continuously enhancing the public trustworthiness, and achieving a sustained and healthy development of the notarized enterprise. ”Zhao Dacheng, Vice Minister of Justice 8 On the 27th accepted the “Legal Daily” reporter said in an interview.
人在求爱时往往容光焕发, 光彩四射。不过,一旦成双成对,结婚成家后,有人就会对穿着打扮掉以轻心起来。你要是只燕子,最起码这可不是好主意。新泽西普林斯顿大学的瑞贝卡·萨
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‘GATT”,是《关税与贸易总协定》(G ENERAL AGREMENT ON TARIFFS ANDTRADE)的简称。它是战后世界的一个重要多边贸易协定。目前,已有93个国家和地区加入了“总协定”,并由
我有两个记单词的好办法:分类记忆法和熟字记忆法。分类记忆法就是把相同类别的单词归到一起记忆。如:food,rice,egg,pork, fish,potato。还可以把同义词、反义词并到一起来
那年,我迷恋上了做木工活儿,因为要念书,是没机会去拜师学艺的。没人教我怎样做木工活儿,我就买来几本木工书,一有时间就拿起锯子、斧子、刨子等,比照着书上所说的去做。我想,熬个三年五载,木工活儿也能做得像模像样了。  然而,我的时间没少花,一年過去了,不说做出像样的桌椅板凳,就连打榫也没能过关。已经快过年了,家中照例要熬一锅高汤。我将那些制作不久却已摇摇欲坠的椅子板凳拆了,放在灶膛里做燃料。奶奶一边照
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