Advances in micro cutting tool design and fabrication

来源 :InternationalJournalofExtremeManufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdlily_4000
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Microcutting is a precision technology that offers flexible fabrication of microfeatures or complex three-dimensional components with high machining accuracy and superior surface quality. This technology may offer great potential as well as advantageous process capabilities for the machining of hard-to-cut materials, such as tungsten carbide. The geometrical design and dimension of the tool cutting edge is a key factor that determines the size and form accuracy possible in the machined workpiece. Currently, the majority of commercial microtools are scaled-down versions of conventional macrotool designs. This approach does not impart optimal performance due to size effects and associated phenomena. Consequently, in-depth analysis and implementation of microcutting mechanics and fundamentals are required to enable successful industrial adaptation in microtool design and fabrication methods. This paper serves as a review of recent microtool designs, materials, and fabrication methods. Analysis of tool performance is discussed, and new approaches and techniques are examined. Of particular focus is tool wear suppression in the machining of hard materials and associated process parameters, including internal cooling and surface patterning techniques. The review concludes with suggestions for an integrated design and fabrication process chain which can aid industrial microtool manufacture.
针对超高射频武器射频高、弹丸空间散布大、飞行速度高的特点, 设计了一种大面积高精度的激光光幕靶, 用于射击密集度的测试。提出了由线激光器、光源整形系统、激光检测阵列共同组成的激光光幕靶设计方案, 给出了弹丸坐标的求解原理和计算模型, 得出不同大小靶面的x、y坐标计算误差, 并对结果进行了分析, x坐标计算误差的标准差为0.015mm, y坐标计算误差的标准差为0.134mm, 证明了测试靶有很好的可拓展性。通过实弹射击验证, 得到x坐标最大误差为1.91mm, y坐标最大误差为1.92mm, 表明测试靶可
高功率激光装置中的片状放大器普遍采用高功率脉冲氙灯作为抽运源, 氙灯的辐射光谱与片状放大器的增益性能密切相关。基于暗室中搭建的时间分辨率为2 μs的氙灯光谱测试系统, 测试氙灯在不同放电时刻的辐射光谱。结果表明: 相同电流密度对应的上升沿、下降沿时刻的氙灯辐射光谱存在显著差别, 上升沿光谱的分立谱明显; 当电流密度为0.866 kA·cm-2时, 如果不施加预电离, 上升沿的辐射光谱能量比下降沿低48%, 施加预电离后这种差距缩小至24%; 预电离可以有效提高上升沿时刻的光谱强度, 是提高氙灯辐射效率的有
测量了在脉冲宽度为750fs、波长为616nm强光作用下掺半导体玻璃RG645 Schott滤光片的饱和吸收特性,同时观察到在高功率密度下光束经玻璃后产生明显的自聚焦现象。