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石狮市人民法院于1998年12月31日正式挂牌办公,工作人员从27名发展现在的80名,现有内设机构12个,直属机构1个,人民法庭2个。建院以来,该院紧紧绕“公正与效率”的工作主题,坚持以审判工作为中心,队伍建设为关键,司法改革为动力,忠实地履行宪法和当选赋予的职责,在审判工作、队伍建设、法院管理等各个方面勇于探索、锐意创新,取得了显著的成绩,多次受到上级的表彰和嘉奖,先后荣获全省法院系统“十佳法院”称号,记集体二等功,被最高法院授予集体一等功,被省委省政府评为全省精神文明先进单位,连续授予省第七届、第八届文明单位荣誉称号,被省高院、省军区政治部评为维护国防利益和军人军属合法权益先进单位,被评为全省法院系统队伍建设先进单位;我院祥芝法庭先后荣立集体二等功,被省总工会授予省“五一劳动奖状”,被省高院评为全省“十佳法庭”,荣记集体一等功。特别是2004年以来,石狮法院在新一届班子的领导下,以“三个代表”重要思想和十六届三中、四中全会精神为指针,树立和落实科学发展观,全面推进各项审判工作深入开展,狠抓司法为民措施的落实,争创全国一流法院。一是率先在全省法院系统成立维护农民工合法权益合议庭和道路交通事故损害赔偿纠纷调解室,促进社会和谐稳定。二是结合审判工作实际,组织未成年犯巡回演讲团现身说法,开展“青少年学法守法警示教育”,进一步做好“青少年维权岗”的工作。三是以开展创建青年文明号活动为载体,全面推进“窗口”单位建设,认真落实司法救助制度。四是强化服务意识,做细做实信访工作,社会各界对法院的满意度明显提高。五是做好人民调解的指导工作。按照“法律指导到家,工作配合到位”的要求,在全市九个乡镇设立巡回办案点,做好司法调解联络工作,努力做到诉讼调解和人民调解的有机统一。 Shishi City People's Court on December 31, 1998 officially listed office, staff from 27 to develop the current 80, there are 12 existing agencies, 1 directly under the agency, the people's court 2. Since the founding of the hospital, the hospital has been closely following the work theme of “fairness and efficiency”, adhering to the core of judicial work and the building of a contingent of personnel. The reform of the judicial system has motivated it to faithfully perform its duties assigned by the Constitution and the election. At the trial and team work, Construction and court management. He has won remarkable achievements and won many awards and recognitions from his superiors. He has won the title of “Top Ten Courts” of the provincial court system and recorded the second class work of collective courts. Awarded the collective first class, was provincial party committee and provincial government as the province's advanced unit of spiritual civilization, awarded the seventh consecutive provincial, the honorary title of the eighth civilized unit by the Provincial High Court, Provincial Military Department of the Political Department as the defense of national interests and The military unit is the legitimate rights and interests of advanced units, was named the provincial court system team building advanced unit; Court Xiangzhi Court has won the collective second class work, the provincial Federation of Trade Unions awarded the provincial “May 1 Labor Certificate” As the province's “top ten courts”, Wing Kee collective first-class work. Especially since 2004, under the guidance of the new team, the Shishi Court has set forth and implemented the scientific concept of development under the guidance of the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, Trial work in depth, pay close attention to the implementation of judicial measures for the people, striving for first-class courts. First, the court system in the province to take the lead in the establishment of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers and road traffic accident compensation dispute mediation room to promote social harmony and stability. Second, in combination with the actual trial work, the ministerial touring lecture team was organized to present the “Youth Learning Law and Law Alert Education” to further improve the work of “Youth Protection Gang”. The third is to carry out activities to create a youth civilization as a carrier, comprehensively promote the “window” unit construction, conscientiously implement the judicial aid system. Fourth, to strengthen service awareness and do a good job of petitions, the satisfaction of all sectors of society to courts has been significantly improved. Fifth, do a good job in guiding people's mediation. In accordance with the requirements of “guiding the law home and working in place”, nine touring points have been set up in the city's townships to do a good job in judicial mediation and liaison and strive to achieve an organic unity of litigation mediation and people mediation.
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