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象似性是针对语言符号的任意性而言的,它是指语言与自然存在之间的关系不是任意的,而是有着相当的联系。语言与意义,词形与意义,修辞与意义,顺序与意义,数量与意义,甚至于句子结构和概念之间都存在着方方面面的关系。象似性一方面反映了人的认知过程,即人往往通过自身或者自己所处的环境来获得象似性的依据,用以进行或大或小的形势判断和结果预测。另一方面,象似性还反映了主观和客观之间的关系,即主观来源于并反映客观现实,但同时会在一定程度上高于客观,从象似性来看,语言符号和思维对象之间的关系,从根本上说,也是源于人在客观现实中的亲身体验。诗歌这种浓缩的篇章,内容精炼而蕴意丰富,而英文诗歌兼具英语语言形合之特点,一般句式整齐,韵律交叠,从而给人一种优美隽永的感官体验。从宏观上看,诗歌可以被看作语篇,从微观上看,诗歌可以分为小节,小句甚至词组,因此它为象似性的分析提供了更多的可能。该文旨在从语音象似性,数量象似性,顺序象似性来分析英语诗歌及其所产生的文体效果和修辞效果。 Iconicity is directed at the arbitrariness of linguistic signs, which means that the relationship between language and the existence of nature is not arbitrary, but rather related. Language and meaning, the word and meaning, rhetoric and meaning, order and meaning, the number and meaning, and even the structure of the sentence and there are all aspects of the relationship between the concept. Iconicity on the one hand reflects the human cognitive process, that is, people often through their own or their own environment to obtain the basis of iconicity, for larger or smaller situation to judge and predict the outcome. On the other hand, iconicity also reflects the relationship between subjective and objective, that is, the subjective comes from and reflects the objective reality, but at the same time will be somewhat higher than the objective. In terms of iconicity, the linguistic signs and objects of thinking The relationship between, fundamentally speaking, is also derived from the personal experience of the objective reality. The condensed chapter of poetry, refined and rich in content, but English poetry combines the characteristics of English language, the general sentence neat, prosodic overlap, giving a beautiful and timeless sensory experience. From a macroscopic perspective, poetry can be regarded as a discourse. From the microscopic point of view, poetry can be divided into sections, clauses and even phrases. Therefore, it provides more possibilities for the analysis of iconicity. The purpose of this paper is to analyze English poetry and its stylistic and rhetorical effects from phonetic iconicity, quantitative iconicity and sequential iconicity.
作为一名班主任,我发现每个学期班级中都会有一两名“问题学生”,学习中,他们是学困生,成绩令人失望;常规管理中,他们是绊脚石;安全教育中,他们是不定时炸弹;……总之,他们的言行举止常常会让我们大动肝火,甚至需要对他们进行体罚或变相体罚。那么,我们究竟该怎么做,才能转化这些“问题学生”呢?我想如果从以下几个方面入手,“问题学生”一定能有不同程度的转化。    诊断“病因”    “问题学生”是指那些在