一、工程概况太浦河是国务院综合治理太湖流域的头号工程,是为解决太湖排水出路而开挖的骨干河道之一,它全长57. 24km,其中上海段长15. 24km。按照太浦河河道中心线布线原则,太浦河上海段确定的东西走向,需穿越马斜湖、上长白荡、白鱼荡、钱盛荡等湖荡。根据河道泄洪要求,太浦河下游段为封闭式通道,湖荡地段必须进行筑堤。经过地形、地质条件分析以及技术经济比较,除钱盛荡为包堤外,其它几处湖荡均需穿湖筑堤。这些湖荡的湖底地形比较平坦,底高程一般为0.5m~1. 50m(以镇江吴淞零点为基准,下同),最底处为0. 2m。根据地质勘探报
I. Project Overview The Taipuhe River is one of the key projects under the State Council’s comprehensive management of the Taihu Lake Basin. It is one of the key watercourses that have been excavated to meet the drainage needs of the Taihu Lake. It has a total length of 57. 24km, of which section length is 15. 24km. In accordance with the Taipu River center line routing principle, the Taipu River Shanghai section to determine the east-west direction, need to cross the horse slope lake, on the long white swing, white fish swing, money swing and other lakes. According to the flood discharge requirements of the river, the lower reaches of the Taipu River is an enclosed channel and the embankment must be embarked on the landed area. After the topography, geological conditions analysis and technical and economic comparison, in addition to money Shengyi embankment, the other several lake lakes are required to wear a lake embankment. These lakes lake bottom terrain is relatively flat, the bottom elevation is generally 0.5m ~ 1. 50m (based on Zhenjiang Wusong zero, the same below), the bottom is 0. 2m. According to Geological Survey