In 1945, when Sandton and McNamara in Blue Blood saw the first time for Ford to build a huge factory on the banks of the River Ruiz, that stunning industrial miracle left both Stunned officers on the battlefield stunned. In 2013, mankind has entered the information age in an all-round way, and media are more excited about the Internet, communications and new energy industries. In these industries, a spark of novelty may progress every day; people create small, mobile organizations that create sophisticated or invisible products in small or virtual spaces. With their backing, those who are still in the vast plant in a step by step mass production of steel, ethylene, cars, the number of companies seem clumsy. However, large manufacturing, or big industry, remains one of the strongest pillars of the world economy, even if it is no longer in the spotlight. If you want to fully understand a country’s production, technology and management level, large-scale manufacturing enterprises is still the ideal place to go.