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目的了解漆包线作业工人职业紧张对健康的影响。方法采用职业紧张量表(OSI-R),调查整群抽取的319名漆包线作业工人的职业任务、职业紧张反应、应对资源,采用生命质量量表(WHOQOL-BREF中文版)进行评价。结果职业紧张各问卷得分高低两组间,生命质量各领域及总得分差异都有显著性(P<0.01)。职业任务及各子项(责任感除外)、紧张反应及各子项与生命质量各领域及总得分呈负相关(P<0.01),应对资源及各子项与生命质量各领域及总得分呈正相关(P<0.01),职业紧张各问卷与生理、心理领域的相关性强于与社会、环境领域,与生理、心理领域2者的相关性相近。职业任务、紧张反应和应对资源3者对生理、心理领域都有预测作用,生理、心理领域的主要影响因素包括了职业紧张各问卷,其子项有任务不适、任务模糊、工作环境、责任感、躯体紧张反应、心理紧张反应、理性处事、社会支持、娱乐休闲和自我保健。结论漆包线作业工人职业紧张可影响其生命质量。职业任务和紧张反应的增高可降低漆包线工人的生命质量,应对资源的增多可提高工人的生命质量,在研究职业紧张对健康的影响时,既要重视其对心理健康的影响,也要重视对生理健康的影响。在制订提高漆包线工人健康水平的措施时,既要重视减轻任务不适、任务模糊等职业紧张因素,也要重视躯体和心理紧张反应,更要重视提高应对资源。 Objective To understand the health effects of occupation tension of enameled wire workers. Methods OSI-R was used to investigate the occupational tasks, occupational stress, occupational stress and resources of 319 enameled wire workers sampled from the cluster. The quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF Chinese version) was used to evaluate the occupational tasks. Results There were significant differences in scores of occupational stress questionnaire between the two groups (P <0.01). Occupational tasks and all sub-items (except for responsibility), nervousness and various sub-items were negatively correlated with the total quality of life scores (P <0.01), and all resources and sub-items were positively correlated with the quality of life (P <0.01). The questionnaire about occupational stress is more related to the physical and psychological domains than to the social, environmental and psychological areas. Occupational tasks, nervousness and coping resources have predictive effects on both physical and psychological fields. Physiological and psychological factors include the questionnaire on occupational stress, their subordinates’ task discomfort, ambiguous tasks, work environment, sense of responsibility, Physical stress reaction, psychological stress reaction, rational service, social support, recreation and self-care. Conclusion Occupational stress of enameled wire workers can affect their quality of life. Occupational tasks and increased tension can reduce the quality of life of the enameled wire workers, to deal with the increase of resources can improve the quality of life of workers in the study of the impact of occupational stress on health, it is necessary to pay attention to its impact on mental health, but also pay attention to Physiological health effects. When formulating measures to improve the health level of enameled workers, we must attach importance to alleviating occupational stress factors such as discomfort in tasks and ambiguity in tasks, but also attach importance to physical and psychological stress responses, and attach more importance to improving response resources.
目的 分析和评价湖北省第四轮全球基金结核病控制项目实施效果.方法 收集2005年7月至2010年6月湖北省结核病控制工作月报表和季报表,湖北省第四轮中国全球基金结核病项目季报
目的 探讨社区精神分裂症患者的治疗依从性的相关因素.方法 对96例随机抽取的社区精神分裂症患者进行评估,比较依从好组(n=51)和依从性差组(n=45)差异,并进行Logistics回归分
目的了解武汉市不同行业职业有害因素分布、职业环境监测、职业病损和职业卫生服务现状。方法通过历史资料查阅、访谈调查、环境监测、健康体检收集武汉市辖区2 891家不同用
BACKGROUND: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PCa) is a disease with dismal prognosis, and the only possibility of cure, albeit small, is based on the combination of c
目的探讨江阴成年人腰围(WC)和体质指数(BMI)的分布特征及其与主要相关疾病的关系。方法 2007年11月至2008年1月,采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法随机抽取江阴市3个镇(街道),6个