
来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robot2004
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目的:观察运动和复方丹参合剂(CDM)联合应用对去卵巢大鼠骨体积和骨量的影响。方法:健康4月龄雌性SD大鼠48只随机分成6组:正常对照组,假去卵巢组,去卵巢组,去卵巢+复方丹参合剂组,去卵巢+运动组,去卵巢+复方丹参合剂+运动组。去卵巢+复方丹参合剂组和去卵巢+复方丹参合剂+运动组大鼠于去卵巢手术后第2天开始给予复方丹参合剂溶液(10 ml.kg-1.d-1)灌胃,持续11周。去卵巢+运动组和去卵巢+复方丹参合剂+运动组大鼠于去卵巢术后第7天开始给予中等强度的运动训练,每周5天,每天以16 m/min速度跑45 min,跑道倾角0,持续10周。第11周末,麻醉状态下动脉放血处死各组大鼠,观察左股骨骨直径、骨体积、骨湿重、骨干重、骨灰重变化。结果:去卵巢组大鼠骨直径、骨体积、骨湿重、骨干重、骨灰重等指标均低于假去卵巢组(P<0.01);去卵巢+复方丹参合剂组和去卵巢+运动组大鼠骨直径、骨体积、骨湿重、骨干重、骨灰重等指标虽较去卵巢组显著增加(P<0.01),但仍显著低于假去卵巢组(P<0.01);去卵巢+复方丹参合剂+运动组大鼠骨直径、骨体积、骨湿重、骨干重、骨灰重等指标均显著高于去卵巢+复方丹参合剂组和去卵巢+运动组(P<0.01)。结论:运动可加强复方丹参合剂改善去卵巢大鼠骨体积和骨量的作用。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of exercise combined with compound Danshen mixture (CDM) on bone volume and bone mass in ovariectomized rats. Methods: 48 healthy 4-month-old female SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: normal control group, false ovariectomy group, ovariectomized group, ovariectomized + compound Danshen mixture group, ovariectomy + exercise group, ovariectomy + compound Danshen mixture + exercise group. The ovariectomized + compound Danshen mixture group and the ovariectomized + compound Danshen mixture + exercise group rats began to be given compound Danshen mixture solution (10 ml.kg-1.d-1) gavage on the 2nd day after ovariectomy, continuing 11 times week. The rats in the ovariectomized + exercise group and the ovariectomized + compound Danshen mixture + exercise group were given moderate-intensity exercise training on the 7th day after ovariectomy, and they were run for 45 minutes every day at 16 m/min for 5 days per week. The dip angle is 0 for 10 weeks. At the end of the 11th week, rats in each group were sacrificed by arterial anesthesia. The left femur bone diameter, bone volume, bone wet weight, bone weight, and ash weight were observed. RESULTS: Bone diameter, bone volume, bone wet weight, bone weight, bone weight, and other indicators in the ovariectomized rats were lower than those in the false ovariectomized group (P<0.01); ovariectomy + compound Danshen mixture group and ovariectomy + exercise group Bone diameter, bone volume, bone wet weight, bone weight, bone ash weight and other indicators were significantly higher than those in the ovariectomized group (P<0.01), but were still significantly lower than those in the false ovariectomized group (P<0.01); ovariectomy + Compound Danshen mixture + exercise group rats bone diameter, bone volume, bone wet weight, bone weight, bone ash weight and other indicators were significantly higher than the ovariectomy + compound Danshen mixture group and ovariectomy + exercise group (P <0.01). Conclusion: Exercise can enhance the effect of compound Danshen mixture in improving bone volume and bone mass in ovariectomized rats.
1 案例资料某女,47岁.某日因"躯干及双下肢麻木2个半月,伴左下肢无力2个月"入院,诊断为韧带骨化症(T(1~7)后纵韧带及T(10/11),T(11/12)黄韧带骨化),不全瘫.入院第20天8时45分,
目的 分析胸段食管癌二野淋巴结清扫术后局部复发规律,为术后放疗提供帮助.方法 搜集本科2004-2009年收治的134例胸段食管鳞癌术后局部复发患者的临床资料,依据放疗前定位CT
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