
来源 :黑龙江档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyikg21
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在全市档案工作会议上得知集贤县黎明乡村级建档工作搞得不错,1996年度全乡所辖15个村全部建档达标,而且村村有档案室、有专柜、专人管理,实现了村级档案管理工作的规范化。为了解这个乡档案工作的开展情况,我们专程赴这个乡进行了采访调查。到县档案局后,局长张静同志简要向我介绍了全县农村建档工作的情况,并着重介绍了我们要采访的黎明乡村级建档工作概况。我们驱车来到黎明乡,直奔距乡政府5华里的喜安村。这个村始建于1932年,现有农户128户。1995年在全县率先进入市级村屯档案合格达标村。现有档案404卷,除文书、财务档案外,还有部分农村经济承包合同档案。陪同采访的乡党委秘书老隋同志告诉我们,各个村的档案员多数都是由村会计兼管文书档案工作的,而且政治思想觉悟和工作责任心都很 In the city’s archives work conference that Jixian dawn rural village archives done a good job, in 1996 the township under the jurisdiction of all 15 villages archives compliance, and the village has a file room, a counter, personal management, to achieve The standardization of village archives management. In order to understand the work of the township archives, we made a special trip to the township to conduct an interview survey. After going to the County Archives Bureau, Comrade Zhang Jing briefed me on the situation of filing the rural archives in the county and gave an overview of the archives work at the village level at dawn we interviewed. We drove to Dawn Township, went straight to the township government 5 miles from the village of Hi. The village was built in 1932, the existing 128 households. In 1995 in the county took the lead in entering the municipal village file qualified village standard. 404 existing files, in addition to documents, financial files, there are still some rural economic contract contract files. Lao Sui, the secretary of the township party committee accompanying the interview, told us that most of the archivists in each village are archivists from the village accounting and administrative documents, and their political and ideological consciousness and their sense of responsibility are all very good
吴瞻泰从“法”的角度 ,借用古文理论对杜诗 ,特别是古体诗的章法结构在起结、断续、正侧、错综等方面的特点给予细致的阐述 ,尤其值得强调的是 ,他从叙述法则的角度认识杜诗
杰克到镇上买马,他挑中一匹白马,白马的主人夸耀说:“我这马跑得特快,一口气能跑50千米。”杰克一听急了:“这可不行,这马对我不适合!我家到镇上只有 Jack went to the tow
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××老师: 我是个内向文静的小女孩。我的作文,文字通顺,条理清楚。但老师,同学都说我的文章“冷静有余,热情不足”,“冷冰冰,干巴巴,难以让人感动”。请问老师,怎样才能写