1999年国家经济形势的好转为电力上市公司的发展打下了良好的基础。从29家电源类上市公司1999年年报公布的数据(见本刊2000年第6期电力板块年报统计表)可以看出 ,电源类上市公司经营有如下特点。[本文提到的电力板块、电力上市公司均指29家(含郑州煤电)
The improvement of the national economic situation in 1999 laid a good foundation for the development of listed power companies. From the data published in the 1999 annual report of 29 listed power companies (see the statistical report of the sixth edition of the power sector report published in the 2000 issue of the magazine), it can be seen that the power company listed companies have the following characteristics. [The power sector and listed power companies mentioned in this article all refer to 29 (including Zhengzhou Coal and Electricity)