
来源 :六盘山 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luxinyiu
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咖啡馆分上下两层,正是华灯初上的时候,这个城市的休闲族就像从地底下冒出来的幽灵,店里的客人渐渐多了起来。一男一女走进咖啡馆,坐在底楼临窗那张桌子。男的旁若无人,女的左顾右盼。女的说:“我敢打赌,你看那些男男女女贼眉鼠眼的,一定有见不得人的勾当。”男的说:“不要一惊一乍的,喝咖啡。”女的说:“你看对面那两个,男的长得像个癞蛤蟆,女的漂漂亮亮,我敢说那男的一定是个富二代,女的东张西望,我猜一定是有夫之妇,被癞蛤蟆勾引 The cafe is divided into two layers, it is the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, the city’s leisure clan like ghosts coming out from under the ground, the store’s guests gradually increased. A man and a woman went into a cafe and sat down at the window on the ground floor. Paramount no man, the woman looked around right and left. The woman said: ”I bet you see those men and women Zeimei eyes and must have a shady deal. “ The man said: ”Do not be surprised at first glance, drink coffee. “ The woman said: ” You see the other two, the man looks like a toad, the woman’s beautiful, I dare say that the man must be a rich second generation, the woman looked around, I guess it must be a married woman, toad seduce
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摘 要:从介绍约瑟夫·奈的“软实力”理论产生的时代背景、主要内容等方面入手,结合文化自觉的两重性,主张发展文化软实力,对内以“除旧立新”、“推陈出新”、“温故知新”为基础,加强文化转型的自主能力,增强内部文化软实力;对外开展文化交流,促进文化产品输出,取得新时代文化选择的自主地位,扩大中华文化影响力。  关键词:软实力;文化自觉;启示  中图分类号:G112 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-2
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