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《决定》中明确的改革科技体制的指导思想既符合科技事业发展的规律,也符合我国国情。通过改革推动一部分科技力量走上为经济建设服务的主战场是为了适应国情和国民经济发展的需要,调整科技力量在长远发展与近期发展的布署,优化资源配置。为解决主要依靠行政手段,不按经济规律办事的弊端,在科技工作中引入市场机制,发挥经济杠杆的作用,不能片面理解为以市场为导向。从总体看科技体制改革已跳出封闭的科技系统,以科研体制为主的改革已转向以推进国民经济发展依靠科技进步的改革。面临的问题,包括改革以来悬而未决的矛盾和改革深化中遇到的新问题,都有待深化改革中综合解决。 The guiding ideology of a clear reform of science and technology system in the “Decision” not only accords with the law governing the development of science and technology, but also is in keeping with China's national conditions. To push forward some scientific and technological forces through reform and to embark on the main battlefield for economic construction is to adjust to the needs of national conditions and national economic development and to adjust the deployment of scientific and technological forces in the long-term development and the recent development so as to optimize the allocation of resources. In order to solve the drawbacks of relying mainly on administrative measures and not acting according to economic laws, the introduction of market mechanisms in science and technology work and the role of economic leverage can not be interpreted unilaterally as market-oriented. From a general perspective, the reform of the science and technology system has jumped out of the closed science and technology system. The reform centered on the research system has shifted to reform that relies on scientific and technological progress to promote the development of the national economy. The problems we face, including the outstanding contradictions since the reform and the new problems encountered in the process of deepening reform, have yet to be comprehensively solved in the process of deepening the reform.
简要分析了地球物理学的发展与我国国情,对今后5~10年中国地球物理学的发展战略目标,阐明了作者的见解和实施建议。 The development of geophysics and China's national co