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再一方面我想简单谈谈英国的专业教育情况。英国的图书情报专业有这样几个特点:第一、有统一的教学大纲英国现在有十六个图书情报系或叫学院。他们的教学大纲是统一经过英国图书馆协会、教育部下的一个教育组来审定的。它所开课程的全部安排都要经过审查,未经审查的不予承认。这个图书馆协会跟我们的不一样,我曾经访问了鲍顿副主席,他告诉我,在他的大楼里有一百人在工作,而且带有半官方性的,他们有权利把教育质量差的学校砍掉,而且确实在1988年将由于教学质量差的拉夫堡理工学院的图书情报学专业砍掉了。这种有统一教学大纲的状况,我觉得和我国相比实在是一个进步。我国1985年在四川新都召开了一个图书馆学教育工作会议,1989年10月在郑州又召开了一次教育会议。这两次会议都反映出这样一个问题,我们的教学大纲不是统一的,北大和武大,它们的教育体系是一定的。那么其它新建系就不一定了。它可能因人设课,不考虑图书情报专业到底要培养什么样的学生,总体上应该有什么样的知识结构,应该开什么样的裸。这种状况在我国粉碎“四人帮”之后突然崛起的40多个图书馆学专业恐怕是普遍存在的。当 On the other hand, I would like to briefly talk about the situation of professional education in Britain. There are several characteristics of English librarianship: First, there is a unified syllabus There are now sixteen books and information colleges in Britain or colleges. Their syllabus is uniformly approved by the British Library Association, an education unit under the Ministry of Education. The entire schedule of the courses it opens is subject to review and unrecognized. This library association is different from ours. I once visited Vice Chairman Baden. He told me that there are 100 people in his building who are working and are semi-official. They have the right to change the schools with poor education Cut off, and indeed in 1988 will be due to poor teaching Loughborough Polytechnic Institute of Library and Information Science cut off. This situation with a unified syllabus is, I think, a real improvement compared with my country. In 1985, China held a working conference on library science education in Xindu, Sichuan. In October 1989, another educational conference was held in Zhengzhou. Both of these meetings reflect such a problem. Our syllabus is not unified. Peking University and WuDaDa, their education system is certain. Then other new department is not necessarily. It may be due to people who set up classes, regardless of library and information professionals in the end to train what kind of students, in general, what kind of knowledge structure should be opened what kind of nudity. More than 40 library science professions that suddenly emerged after the smashing of the Gang of Four in our country were probably ubiquitous. when
着重介绍了北京顺义4.0级地震前后板桥井水位的异常特征,并通过对板桥井二次异常的对比分析研究,提出井水位异常时间尺度与震级之间的可能关系。 The anomalous characteristic
超小型电加工机床的开发[英]/Higuch T,et al.∥CIRP,1991,40(1):203~206 通过在电极进给机构中采用简化的驱动机构(进给步长微小,利用压电元件的快速变形特性),开发了外形尺
对加拿大东部遥测台网(ECTN)1980年至1990年问记录到的 S 波波列的垂直分量进行了用于震源、场地及传播特征研究的频谱分析.该组数据包括记录到的97次地震的1033个记录,其震
Objective To study the effect of levothyroxine replacement therapy on improving diffused left ventricular myocardial lesions and cardiac function in patients wi