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安塞腰鼓是陕西省的汉族民俗舞蹈。表演可由几人或上千人一同进行,磅礴的气势,精湛的表现力令人陶醉,被称为天下第一鼓。1996年,安塞县被国家文化部命名为中国腰鼓之乡。安塞腰鼓是黄河流域文化的组成部分,它在长期流传过程中形成了刚劲激昴,剽悍豪放,气势磅礴,浑厚庄重,铿锵有力,威猛刚烈,舞姿优美,流畅飘逸等特点。鼓手 Ansai waist drum is a folk dance in Shaanxi Province. Performance can be carried out by a few people or thousands of people together, magnificent momentum, superb expressive intoxicating, known as the best drum in the world. In 1996, Ansai County was named the hometown of Chinese drum by the Ministry of Culture. Ansai waist drum is an integral part of the Yellow River culture, which has formed in the long-term spread of the process of passion Pleiades, generous bold bold, magnificent, solemn, sonorous and powerful, mighty and fierce, beautiful dance, smooth and elegant and so on. drummer
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