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每个人都希望自己健康长寿,其实健康长寿并无秘诀,而是靠自己在数十年的漫长生涯中点点滴滴积攒起来的,有人称这种健康长寿之法为“零存整取”,的确不乏形象而幽默,现不妨列举十点养生要领如下。一、不要吸烟。吸烟的人易患支气管炎、哮喘、肺气肿、肺癌等。据调查,吸烟的人比不吸烟的人一般短寿5至10年。二、不能酗酒。酗酒的人所患 Everyone wants their own health and longevity, in fact, there is no secret of health and longevity, but by virtue of their long career in decades accumulated, some people call this method of longevity for the “zero inventory” Indeed there is no shortage of images and humorous, may wish to list ten health essentials are as follows. First, do not smoke. People who smoke are susceptible to bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and lung cancer. According to the survey, smokers generally 5 to 10 years shorter than non-smokers. Second, can not drink. People who drink alcohol suffer
高压直流换流站内复杂的电磁环境,尤其是开关操作产生的瞬态电磁骚扰,容易引起二次设备的误动作甚 至损坏。由于在实测时开关操作的次数有限,本文将采用小样本的统计方法对实测
现有风力发电机的运行方式主要是基于最大功率追踪的运行模式,对于电网来说,风电场所起的作用是“负” 的负荷,电网对其没有任何调度能力。同时由于DFIG能够实现有功功率、无功