在毛主席革命路线指引下,西安市碑林区电子仪器厂广大工人、干部和技术人员以阶级斗争为纲,坚持党的基本路线,艰苦奋斗,在西安交通大学半导体教研室的支持协作下,在短短的四个月内试制成功具有先进水平的 JT-751型激光椭圆仪,为我国大规模集成电路的科研和生产,加速电子工业的发展,做出了应有的贡献。一、用途与基本原理JT-751型激光椭圆仪适用于+5°~+30℃、相对湿度为80%以下的洁净无振动的
Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the vast numbers of workers, cadres and technical personnel in the Beilin Electronic Instrument Factory in Xi’an took the class struggle as the key link, adhered to the party’s basic line and worked hard. With the support and cooperation of the Department of Semiconductors of Xi’an Jiaotong University, JT-751 laser ellipsometer, which is successfully trial-produced in a short span of four months, has made its due contribution to the scientific research and production of large-scale integrated circuits in our country and the acceleration of the development of the electronics industry. First, the use and basic principles JT-751 laser ellipsometer for +5 ° ~ +30 ℃, relative humidity below 80% of the clean vibration-free