
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xrp880823
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改革开放以来,邓小平的民主与法制理论在实践中不断丰富和发展,成为邓小平理论的重要组成部分,其核心思想就是发展民主政治,实行依法治国。邓小平曾反复阐明了民主与法制的性质、特点和辩证统一关系,强调把民主制度化、法律化对保证国家长治久安的极端重要性,并从战略的高度指出:搞四个现代化,一定要有两手,“一手抓建设,一手抓法制”,把民主法制建设提高到它应有的地位。十一届三中全会之后,我国经济建设各项工作之所以发展顺利,并取得了举世瞩目的成就,重要的一条就是 Since the reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping’s theory of democracy and legal system has continuously enriched and developed in practice and has become an important part of Deng Xiaoping Theory. Its core idea is to develop democratic politics and administer the country according to law. Deng Xiaoping once repeatedly stated the nature, characteristics and dialectical unity of democracy and legal system, emphasized the extreme importance of institutionalizing and legalizing democracy in guaranteeing the long-term peace and stability of the country, and pointed out from a strategic perspective: To engage in the four modernizations, we must have both hands , “Work with one hand and build the legal system with the other hand” and raise the building of a democracy and the legal system to its due status. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reason for the smooth development of various tasks in our country’s economic construction and the remarkable achievements made in the world has come into being. The important one is
编辑同志: 去年我在村里的河滩荒地上种了一些高粱,使我有所收获。今年我又在河滩上多开了一些荒地,种了些玉米和红小豆,由于我们这里风调雨顺,看样子又将会有好收成,可是,
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伦敦的剧场景观为何羡煞旁人?以这次戏剧之旅——又是心灵充电——为例,回程时行李重了——戏剧书说了不买还是忍不住手,更超载的,是情感和脑袋中的丰富收获,指向一个带回家可供咀嚼反刍的大问号:戏剧,不论内容与形式,在彼邦仍是持续发展未来式,并非扛着传统排斥探索的过去式,更不是仅提供当下的现在式。若要把上述精神移植到我们的土壤用作种子,可预见的困难会是什么?  首先,戏剧之于生活在两岸三地的华人,的确不同
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一、万人空巷 争看公审卖国贼 1946年4月5日,我跟随杭州外勤记者代表团,来到了苏州高等法院,参加公审大汉奸陈公博的旁听,至今记忆犹新。 1945年8月,日本军国主义宣布投降后
女会计5天贪污公款107万元!携款潜逃月余终落恢恢法网!30岁的红颜巨贪被判死缓!漂亮女子何以踏上自毁之路? Female accounting 5 days embezzlement of 1.07 million yuan o
校有校长,厂有厂长,班有班长,组有组长……我想,家,也应该有家长吧!晚上吃饭的时候,我就在餐桌上提出了这个问题。“爸爸妈妈,咱们家谁是家长啊?”妈妈赶 The school has a