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Based on the analysis of the reasons for the periodic changes in the pig market in China,four measures are proposed in this article to reform the supply side to downplay the hog Cycle:guaranteeing the total amount to guarantee the supply;diversifying farm
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In the context of the new normal of high-quality agricultural development,it is necessary to accelerate the comprehensive connection of scientific and technological services of provincial agricultural research institutes and industries,and mobilize the en
[Objectives]To analyze the genetic similarity among varieties of Armeniaca vulgaris Shushanggan in Ili.[Methods]The genetic distance among 13 A.vulgaris Shushanggan varieties was compared at the DNA molecular level,and clustering analysis was performed on
This work sought to examine the philosophical arguments of John Dewey’s theory of knowledge for practical gains.Hence,it sought to address the problem on how the current rave of entrepreneurship can be given a new direction,especially from the perspective
Biophysics as an immense spectrum comprehended by one of the most commonly applied borderland mental process embracing from the nature,through living systems up to spiritual processes brings it along inevitable that the reader will join issue here and the