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我们雕治印章,首先要能辨好坏,但是好坏却无一定标准,也不能用言语来说明,如有人来问,如何是好,如何是坏,往往使每个治印人瞠目不能对答.而治印者却不可不把好坏了然于胸中,所以要多看名人的作品,使他“眼高”起来,绝对不应看普通匠人庸俗的作品,因为一个印象往往以“先入为主”,如一向看的是好的东西,动起刀来,仿佛有一个成功的影像留在胸际,这样,用来对照自己的作品就好坏判然了.前人说:“读万卷书,行万里路”,就是这个意思.我却有进一层的解说,“读万卷书”,并不是要窃取它的“语文”,“行万里路”,并不是要模仿它的山川形势.要使前人已经有的语义,山川已具的形势,当下笔的时候没法避开它.否则,见闻不广不知是落前人窠臼.这是由模仿进于创造的话,但终归是要多看的.治印先要从规矩入手,所谓“醇而后肆”,这话我却不以为然.应该从放肆粗野入手,才有纵横气概.譬如一个人,俗话说“幼时看看,到老一半”,“小时了了,大未必佳”,小时候即循规守矩,性情懦弱,待到社会上经历风雨,更觉得畏缩不前了.治印亦然.初学时被规矩束缚了,及至眼力腕力衰退的时候,欲求放肆,已是力不从心.但我所说的要从放肆粗野入手,并不是一味如此的,应不断地努力研究,自然化粗野为朴厚,去纵横为含蓄,工夫到境,火气尽敛,真气内充,自 We must govern the seal, but first we must be able to distinguish between good and bad, but there is no standard for good or bad, and we cannot use words to explain. If someone asks, how is it good and how bad is it? The Indian rulers cannot but look at the good and bad, so to look at the celebrity’s works, to make him “eye height”, absolutely should not look at ordinary tradesman vulgar works, because an impression is often “preemptive”, such as It has always been a good thing to watch a knife, as if there is a successful image left on the chest. In this way, it is judged whether it is good or bad for us to compare our own work. The former said: “Read ten thousand books and go for thousands of miles. This is the meaning of the road. I have explained to the next level. “Reading thousands of books” is not to steal its “language” and to “walk thousands of miles”. It is not to imitate its situation in mountains and rivers. The predecessors already have the semantics, the situation that the mountains and rivers have already had, and they can’t avoid it when they are penned. Otherwise, they do not know much about people who are not in front of people. This is what imitating goes into creating, but after all it is necessary to look The first thing to do is to start from the rules, the so-called “alcohol and then beggars,” but I do not think this is true. If you start with rudeness, you have a vertical and horizontal spirit. For example, if you are a man, as the saying goes, “When you are young, look to the old half,” and “hours have passed, the big ones are not necessarily good.” When you were a child, you followed the rules and the cowardly temperament was weak, and you stayed in society. After experiencing storms and winds, I feel even more frightened. It is no different from the ruling of India. When I was disciplined at the beginner’s school, and when my eyesight and strength were in recession, I was unable to support myself. But what I said was to start with rudeness, not blindly. , should continue to work hard to study, the crudeness of nature is thick and thick, the vertical and horizontal are subtle, time and effort, the fire gas to make the convergence, infuriating, since
本实验应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶盘状电泳方法对莫桑比克罗非鱼(Tilapia mossambica)和尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia milotica)及其杂交种——福寿鱼(T.missambica ?×T.nilotica ?)的血清蛋
本文介绍法国国营铁路机车车辆用制动村料,其中包括铸铁,合成材料及烧结材料。同时对这些材料进行了比较。 This article describes the brake material for French state-o
发源自中国青海唐古拉山脉的澜沧江,日夜奔流不息,湍急的水势经中国云南关累港,以湄公河之名穿过老挝、缅甸、泰国,从越南遥遥归入大海,被世人美誉为东方多瑙河。两岸多有几乎无人涉足的原始森林。多国、多民族、多风韵的民风民俗以及令人遐想连连的清醇山寨犹如一串似断犹连的珍珠,散散淡淡地洒落在江边浓雾的游移与热带雨林的半开半合之中……    随中国“墨江号”铁甲货轮从中国思茅港起航,经缅甸、老挝、金三角,驶往
本文就高考中力学热点作了简要分析,阐述各个热点内容及其重点,指出复习备考应注意的问题。 This article briefly analyzes the hot topics of mechanics in the college e