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1999年12月25日,在举国同庆澳门回归的喜庆日子里,在即将跨入新世纪的历史时刻,位于青藏高原的青海医学院附属医院迎来了她40岁华诞。建院40年,走过40年的风雨,历经40年的沧桑巨变,从建院初期仅有3个科室、6名医生、20张病床的小医院变为设施完备、科室齐全、风格独特、环境幽雅、人才济济、管理规范的现代化大型综合性教学医院。特别是近年来,青医附院成功地探索出一条不等不靠,自我发展的改革之路,成为青海省医疗行业的排头兵。创就这些辉煌的业绩,离不开全院职工的共同努力,更离不开领航人李金福的才智、胆识和谋略。让我们沿着青医附院的改革与发展历程去追踪院长李金福的闪光足迹。 抓住机遇 强化管理 60年代毕业于青海医学院的李金福,由于学习成绩优异,被分配到附院工作,此后的30多年里,他把自己的事业和命运同医院的前途 On December 25, 1999, in the festive days when the whole country celebrated the return of Macao, at the time of the new century, the affiliated hospital of Qinghai Medical College on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ushered in her 40th birthday. After 40 years of construction and 40 years of hardship and rain, after 40 years of vicissitudes, only 3 departments, 6 doctors, and 20 beds of small hospitals have changed from complete facilities, complete departments, and unique styles. Modern large-scale comprehensive teaching hospital with elegant environment, rich talents and standardized management. In particular, in recent years, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingyi successfully explored a path of reform that did not depend on self-development and self-development, and became the vanguard of the medical industry in Qinghai Province. Creating these brilliant achievements can not be separated from the joint efforts of the entire staff of the hospital, but also can not be separated from the intelligence, courage and strategy of pilot Lee Jin-fu. Let us trace the flash of Director Dean Li Jinfu along the course of reform and development of the Affiliated Hospital. Seizing the opportunity to strengthen management Li Jinfu, who graduated from the Qinghai Medical College in the 1960s, was assigned to the Affiliated Hospital for his outstanding academic performance. Since then, for more than 30 years, he has linked his career and destiny to the future of the hospital.
目的 :研究大鼠脑发育不同时期学习记忆的变化及与NMDA受体通道动力学特性的关系。方法 :采用学习记忆行为和离子通道动力学特性测定相结合的方法。结果 :在爬杆主动回避反应
【文题】  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  人们曾讽刺对外界了解很少的人为“井底之蛙”;而今,人们又发现自己似乎“知道得太多”。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文;不要套作,不得抄袭。  【写作指导】  这则材料有着很强的思辨性,就“对外界了解很少的人”而言,如果少而专、深、精或切合自身实际、能因此而获得心灵的纯净等,这样的“少
冰冻切片是用于病理临床诊断和组织化学的重要手段 ,在科学研究方面也是不可缺少的。制片的好与坏 ,直接影响临床诊断效果及科研成果的可靠性。为了减少制片环节及条件差异 ,
目的 :探讨川芎嗪对糖尿病性视网膜病防治作用的机理。方法 :用链脲佐菌素 (STZ)制作糖尿病大鼠动物模型 ,分为正常对照组、糖尿病对照组、糖尿病川芎嗪治疗组 ,于第 12周测
受当前社会经济大环境巨变的影响,近年来农村高中学生综合素质呈下滑趋势。学生军事营地凭借其独特的育人功能,为全面提升农村学生综合素质开辟了一条新途径。 Affected by
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