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第一普查勘探大队有机氮凱氏半微量比色法测定,从其回收率、重见性、分析速度和掌握分析条件来说,都比硫酸铜或重铬酸鉀法优越;它尤其适用于野外条件下的实验操作,并进行大批样品的生产;但应注意到,当试样中有机氮含量较高时(大约在超过0.15%),应少秤样品,否则分析结果不稳,同时还应适当延长蒸溜时间,如有机氮含量超过200mg时,可延长到7—8分钟。 The first Census Brigade organic nitrogen Kjeldahl semi-micro colorimetric method is superior to copper sulphate or potassium dichromate in terms of its recovery rate, reflectivity, analytical speed and mastering analytical conditions; it is especially suitable for However, it should be noted that when the amount of organic nitrogen in the sample is high (more than about 0.15%), the sample should be weighed down, otherwise the analysis result is not stable, and at the same time Should be appropriate to extend the steaming time, such as organic nitrogen content of more than 200mg, can be extended to 7-8 minutes.
通过调试数控车床加工工件,提出了一种对刀和调刀补的方法。 By debugging the CNC lathe to process the workpiece, a method of making up the knife and adjusting the k
AIM:To study whether over-starvation aggravates intestinal mucosal injury and promotes bacterial and endotoxin translocation in a high-altitude hypoxic environm
<正> 平常所说的富锌漆是指在涂料组成中锌粉含量较多的那些漆。它是与含锌粉量较少的“贫”字相对应称呼的。一般习惯上认为,锌粉含量超过70%以上的通称富锌漆。富锌漆有有
Caspases are an evolutionarily conserved family of aspartate-specific cystein-dependent proteases with essential functions in apoptosis and normally exist in ce
文章对往复泵的活塞与柱塞密封、活塞杆密封、阀以及缸套盘根等易损件,进行了介绍。 The paper describes the reciprocating pump piston and plunger seal, piston rod se