Performance analysis of space-shift keying over negative-exponential and log-normal FSO channels

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyc894784116
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The average bit-error rate(ABER) performance of free-space optical(FSO) communication links is investigated for space-shift keying(SSK) over log-normal and negative-exponential atmospheric turbulence channels. SSK is compared with repetition codes and a single-input single-output system using multiple pulse amplitude modulations. Simulation results show that the signal-to-noise ratio gain of SSK largely increases with greater spectral efficiencies and/or higher turbulence effects. A tight bound for ABER is derived based on an exact moment generation function(MGF) for negative-exponential channel and an approximate MGF for log-normal channel.Finally, extensive Monte Carlo simulations are run to validate the analytical analysis. The average bit-error rate (ABER) performance of free-space optical (FSO) communication links is investigated for space-shift keying (SSK) over log-normal and negative-exponential atmospheric turbulence channels. SSK is compared with repetition codes and a single-input single-output system using multiple pulse amplitude modulations. Simulation results show that the signal-to-noise ratio gain of SSK substantial increases with greater spectral efficiencies and / or higher turbulence effects. A tight bound for ABER is derived based on an exact moment generation function (MGF) for negative-exponential channel and an approximate MGF for log-normal channel. Finally, extensive Monte Carlo simulations are run to validate the analytical analysis.
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