主动脉内气囊泵(IABP)应用于心源性休克是1968年Kantrowitz 开始的,以后逐渐推广,特别是1980年Bregman 使用Seldinger 法能够经皮操作以来,在日本临床界很快普及,适应证也日渐扩展。最初只用于急性心肌梗塞续发的心源性休克,而今心梗合并室间隔穿孔、二尖瓣闭锁不全、难治性心绞痛、心肌缺血、重症心律不齐、心脏手术后低心搏出量综合征等也可应用。一、IABP 的作用机理由股动脉将IABP 导管插入,将尖端进到左锁骨下动脉分枝部下方,与心搏同步,谈气囊膨胀、收缩,就能出现以下效果:①舒张期增压:在心室舒张期急速地膨胀气囊,向中枢侧加大主动脉舒张期血压,使
The use of intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) for cardiogenic shock started in Kantrowitz in 1968 and was gradually extended later, especially since Bregman was able to percutaneously operate using the Seldinger method in 1980 and is rapidly becoming available in the Japanese clinical community. Indications are also Growing. Initially only used for cardiogenic shock of acute myocardial infarction, and now myocardial infarction with ventricular septal perforation, mitral regurgitation, refractory angina, myocardial ischemia, severe arrhythmia, heart surgery after low heart stroke Volume syndrome can also be applied. First, the mechanism of IABP The IABP catheter will be inserted into the femoral artery, the tip into the left subclavian artery branches below the heartbeat synchronization, talk about balloon expansion, contraction, can have the following effects: ① diastolic hyperplasia: In the ventricular diastolic rapid expansion of the balloon, to increase the central aortic diastolic blood pressure, so that