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  摘要:为揭示不同施肥(纯施化肥、有机肥配施化肥、秸秆还田配施有机无机肥、有机无机复混肥)对稻—麦两熟制区稻田杂草的影响,以南京农业大学连续4年固定施肥金坛试验田为材料,于014年水稻收获前进行了杂草群落调查,研究不同施肥、秸秆还田水稻田间杂草种类、密度、高度和杂草多样性指数的差异。结果表明:试验水稻田共记录杂草1种,分属7科、11属。稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli)、鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、多花水苋(Aannia ultiflora)、水苋菜(A baccifera)、陌上菜(Lindernia procubens)广泛分布于各试验田块。长期施肥可减少稻田杂草种类及发生密度。其中阔叶杂草和莎草科杂草在试验设定的各施肥措施下其种类和密度均显著下降,但株高显著增加;禾本科杂草种类、密度和株高几乎不受影响。秸秆还田配施化肥、有机肥配施化肥、有机无机复混肥+穗肥尿素和纯施化肥的田块中,杂草群落多样性指数低、均匀度指数相对较低,优势度指数较高,容易使单一优势杂草种类暴发,造成较严重危害;秸秆还田配施有机肥化肥、有机无机复混肥一次施用的稻田环境中,杂草群落多样性指数较高,均匀度指数较高,优势度指数较低,杂草群落结构较复杂,群落相对较稳定,且杂草密度较低,对水稻的生长危害较轻。
  Abstracthe effects of several fertilizers(pure cheical fertilizer,organic anure with cheical fertilizer,straw returning with organic and inorganic fertilizer ,organic and inorganic copound fertilizer on weed counities in rice fields were deterined under a rice-wheat cropping syste during four consecutive years at Nanjing Agricultural University in intan A survey of weed species,density,height and diversity index was conducted before the rice harvest in 014 to analyzethe relationship between the weed population distribution and the fertilizer used Echinochloa crusgalli,Monochoria vaginalis,Aannia ultiflora,A baccifera and Lindernia procubens were the ain weed species in all the treatents Long-ter fertilization could reduce the occurrence and density of soe weed species he nuber and density of broadleaf and Cyperaceae weeds decreased significantly when fertilizers were used,but their height increased significantly;the density and height of grassy weeds were alost unaffected [P]traw returning with cheical fertilizer,organic anure with cheical fertilizer,organic and inorganic copound fertilizer[P]urea fertilization for head sprouting and pure cheical fertilizer treatent reduced species diversity index but increased the weed doinance index and lowered the evenness index,easily caused serious harfulness traw returning with once-applied organic and inorganic fertilizer ororganic and inorganic copound fertilizer treatents had higher species diversity index and evenness index,lower weed doinance index and density,coplicated weed counity structure,and less harfullness to riceey wordscheical fertilizer;organic fertilizers plus cheical fertilizer;straw returning;organic and inorganic fertilizer;weeds;rice fields
  杂草是农田生态系统的重要生物组分,与作物在光照和水肥方面竞争激烈,是制约作物产量的重要因子[1-4],维持适当数量的杂草对保护农田生物多样性发挥着重要作用[-]。农田管理措施能对田间杂草的种群组成及其生物多样性产生影响[7-10]。肥料和除草剂是农田生态系统主要的投入品[11],施肥改变土壤养分含量及其结构,直接提高作物的产量及竞争优势,从而改变农田中杂草群落的演替过程[1]。   [9]ill M O iversity and evenness:a unifying notation and its consequences[] Ecology,197,4():47-4
  [0]hen M X,Yang L ,Yao Y M,et al Long-ter effects of fertilizer anageents on crop yields and organic carbon storage of a typical rice-wheat agroecosyste of China[] iology and ertility of oils,007,44(1):17-00
  [1]arek A E Cheical fertilizers could offer a real solution for iniizing over consuption of herbicides for controlling weeds in faba bean (Vicia faba L)[] rends in Applied ciences Research,00,():14-1
  []刘婷,叶成龙,陈小云,等 不同有机肥源及其与化肥配施对稻田土壤线虫群落结构的影响[] 应用生态学报,01,4(1):0-1
  []hao ,hang R ,Xue C,Xun ,et al Pyrosequencing reveals contrasting soil bacterial diversity and counity structure of two ain winter wheat cropping systes in China[] Microbial Ecology,014,7():44-4
  [4]hao ,Ni ,Li Y,et al Responses of bacterial counities in arable soils in a rice-wheat cropping syste to different fertilizer regies and sapling ties[] Plo One,014,9:e01
  []古巧珍,杨学云,孙本华,等 不同施肥条件下黄土麦地杂草生物多样性研究[] 应用生态学报,007,1():10-104
  []向佐湘,单武雄,何秋虹,等 两种生态控草措施对丘陵茶园杂草群落及物种多样性的影响[] 中国生态学业学报,009,17():7-1
  [7]Yin L C,Cai C,hong Changes in weed counity diversity of aize crops due to long-ter fertilization[] Crop Protection,00,(9):910-914[)][][][L)]
Abstract :Taking advantage of spontaneous and infrastructure?less behavior, a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) can be integrated with various networks to extend communication for different types of netwo
摘要:列当(Orobanche spp and Phelipanche spp )是一种在世界范围内危害严重的根寄生杂草,防除列当的研究也越来越多。正确地采集和预培养列当种子是获得正确防除列当研究结果的前提。列出了大田正确采集列当种子的方法,以及对采集到的种子进行过筛提纯、加洗洁精和吐温0清洗后,再表面消毒和预培养,并通过发芽试验检验此方法的可行性。结果表明,经过处理的向日葵列当、瓜列当种子的发芽
摘要:以寄生于番茄的分枝列当种子为试验材料,研究预培养阶段温度、时间、渗透势以及培养阶段温度、萌发刺激物(独月却金内酯类似物GR24)的浓度和渗透势对种子萌发的影响,以期找到种子萌发的最适条件,从而可以人为创造控制分枝列当生长的环境,以达到有效防治的目的。结果表明:预培养阶段的最适培养温度为 2 ℃,最适培养时间为 d,最适的渗透势为0 MPa;培养阶段的最适培养温度为2 ℃,最适GR24浓度为1
摘要:采用室内整株生测法测定新型除草化合物二氯喹啉草酮对稻田主要杂草光头稗(Echinochloa colonu)、硬稃稗(Echinochloa glabrescens)、无芒稗(Echinochloa crusgalli var itis)、西来稗(Echinochloa crusgalli var zelayensis)、千金子(Leptochloa chinensis)、马唐(igitar
Abstract  This paper presents the authors’ vision for 5G wireless systems, which are expected to be standardized around 2020 (IMT?2020). In the future, ubiquitous service will be the key requirement f
摘要:报道了浙江省归化植物新记录种,分别是合被苋(Aaranthus polygonoides L)、千穗谷(Aaranthus hypochondriacus L)、双荚决明[enna bicapsularis (L) Roxb]、粉绿狐尾藻[Myriophyllu aquaticu (Vellozo) Verdc]和多花百日菊(innia peruviana L)。  关键词:浙江;外来归化植
摘要:01年10月对茅山丘陵茶园秋季杂草的发生种类、数量、高度等进行调查,将其转换成相对多度和重要值数据,在此基础上计测了茅山丘陵茶园种主要杂草的生态位宽度和生态位重叠值。结果表明:茅山丘陵茶园秋季杂草共发现0种,隶属个科、74个属。其中,发生频率>0%的杂草有种。 种杂草中,马唐(igitaria sanguinalis)、小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis)、小旱稗(Echinochl
摘要:01—014年在新疆昭苏县乌鲁空盖草原选用70 g/L三氯吡氧乙酸丁氧基乙酯·氯氨吡啶酸钾盐水乳剂和1% 氯氨吡啶酸水剂不同浓度对草原毒草——天山假狼毒进行群落影响试验。研究结果表明,70 g/L 三氯吡氧乙酸丁氧基乙酯·氯氨吡啶酸钾盐水乳剂和1% 氯氨吡啶酸水剂不同浓度均对天山假狼毒群落生长产生影响,与使用浓度呈正相关;其中使用70 g/L三氯吡氧乙酸丁氧基乙酯·氯氨吡啶酸钾盐水乳剂 00
1 Introduction  n today’s ICT era, data is more voluminous and multifarious and is being transferred with increasing speed. Some reasons for these trends are: scientific organizations are solving big