Studies on the absorption and utilization of amino acids in the test diets by the prawn Penaeus orie

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lx305954308
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This experiment was conducted to study the characteristics of absorption of amino acids by different regions of the alimentary tract and the utilization of free amino acids in the test diets of the prawn, Penaeus oricntolis.The midgut gland is the principal site of nutrient absorption. In the foregut, the digestibility coefficient of 15 amino acids tested accounted for 52.5% of the total digestibility coefficient in the entire alimentary tract. In the midgut, the digestibility coefficient was 47.5 % of the total. There was no evidence of the hindgut assimilating amino acids.The free amino acid in the test diet, methionine, was almost absorbed before entering the midgut. Methionine could not be absorbed synchronously with other amino acids bound in the dietary protein, but it did affect the synchronization of other essential amino acids. [3H]-lysine, incorporated into the test diet, was almost totally assimilated within the midgut gland. Five and a half hours after feeding, the labelled amino acid had be This experiment was conducted to study the characteristics of absorption of amino acids by different regions of the alimentary tract and the utilization of free amino acids in the test diets of the prawn, penaeus oricntolis. Midgut gland is the principal site of nutrient absorption. In the foregut, the digestibility coefficient of 15 amino acids tested accounted for 52.5% of the total digestibility coefficient in the entire alimentary tract. In the midgut, the digestibility coefficient was 47.5% of the total. There was no evidence of the hindgut assimilating amino acids . The free amino acid in the test diet, methionine, was almost absorbed before entering the midgut. Methyline could not be absorbed synchronously with other amino acids bound in the dietary protein, but it did not affect the synchronization of other essential amino acids. [3H ] -lysine, incorporated into the test diet, was almost totally assimilated within the midgut gland. Five and a half hours after feeding, the labeled amino acid had be
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