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花都市人民医院简介花都市位于广州市北郊,由广花高速公路相连。107国道、京广铁路贯穿全境。巴江河上的花都港直通香港。新的广州国际机场已选址在花都。花都市正成为广州重要的卫星城。座落在市中心的花都市人民医院是该市唯一的集医疗、预防、保健、康复、教学和科... Huadu City People’s Hospital Introduction Huadu City is located in the northern suburbs of Guangzhou and is connected by the Guanghua Expressway. The 107 National Road and the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway run through the entire territory. The Huadu Port on the Bajiang River leads directly to Hong Kong. The new Guangzhou International Airport has been located in Huadu. Huadu City is becoming an important satellite city in Guangzhou. The Huadu People’s Hospital, located in the city center, is the only medical, prevention, health care, rehabilitation, teaching, and department in the city...
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