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目前世界上使用的农药有500多种,常用的有重金属农药、有机氯农药、有机磷农药等。随着农药的大批广泛应用,除给农业生产较大效益外,也给人类带来了一定的危害——污染了环境,对人体不同程度的毒性以及某些农药的致癌性或潜致癌性。 重金属农药主要的有汞制剂、砷制剂及酮制剂等。这类农药高效、剧毒、高残留,并可通过呼吸,食物链进入人体危害健康。职业病调查发现长期接触砷制剂的人,除砷中毒外并可致皮肤癌,此外,其肺癌死亡率亦明显上升。 有机磷农药常用的有甲基对硫磷,甲基内吸磷,敌百虫,敌敌畏、乐果等,这类农药高效、大部分有剧毒和拌发性,可通过人的皮肤、呼吸道粘膜被吸收乃至中毒,引起神经系统的中毒症状。 我国目前使用农药中有60%是有机氯农药,其中六六六,滴滴涕用量最大,次之是氯丹、七氯、狄氏 At present, there are more than 500 kinds of pesticides used in the world. Commonly used are heavy metal pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, and organophosphorus pesticides. With the widespread use of a large number of pesticides, in addition to the greater benefits of agricultural production, but also brought certain harm to humans - pollution of the environment, the degree of toxicity to the human body and the carcinogenicity or potential carcinogenicity of certain pesticides. Heavy metal pesticides mainly include mercury preparations, arsenic preparations, and ketone preparations. These pesticides are highly effective, highly toxic, and have high residue levels. They can breathe through the food chain and enter the body to endanger health. Occupational disease survey found that people who have been exposed to arsenic for a long time may suffer from arsenic poisoning and may develop skin cancer. In addition, the mortality rate of lung cancer is also significantly increased. Organophosphorous pesticides commonly used methyl parathion, methyl absorption, trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, etc., these pesticides are highly effective, most highly toxic and mixed, can pass through the human skin, respiratory tract The mucous membranes are absorbed and even poisoned, causing symptoms of poisoning in the nervous system. 60% of pesticides currently used in China are organochlorine pesticides, among which 666 and DDT are the largest, followed by chlordane, heptachlor and Dichlorine.
<正> 上海国际问题研究所章嘉琳主编的《变化中的美国经济》一书,由学林出版社出版了。该书以当代经济最发达的美国经济为对象,着重研究最近20年美国经济中出现的某些新现象
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
【正】 “K”是黄金制品的纯度单位,纯金是24K,每K含金量为1/24,如14K则表示黄金中含金量是14分,其它金属占10分,其余依此类推。 K的原文为Karat,是由Carat(克拉)派生出来的,
为研究精子鞭毛蛋白1(Spef1)在精子鞭毛结构的形成与组装中的生物学意义及功能,本研究采用RACE技术和荧光定量PCR技术对曼氏无针乌贼Spef1(简称Sj Spef1)基因cD NA全长进行克隆和
目的 探讨年龄对尿道下裂Duckett术后尿瘘发生的影响.方法 2013年5月30日至2016年11月30日湖南省儿童医院泌尿外科收治行尿道下裂Duckett术的患儿68例作为研究对象,观察不同
各种XML查询语言的共同特点就是利用正则路径表达式(RPE)来导航XML文档的查询. 本文结合我们提出的一种新的XML数据的关系存储模式,对有效地实现RPE查询的相关研究工作进行了