
来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcnyy_007
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—、基本情况 1955年长江流域上自金沙江上游的邓柯(雨量站)、牛古渡(流量站),下至海口,在干支流上已布设了水文、气象观测站共1,542处(包括各省所设测站在内)。其中水文站311处,水位站595处,雨量站636处。本会所属测站主要设在长江、汉江干流及各主要支流的尾闾,上自金沙江的屏山,下至海口,在六个水文分站,一个水文队的领导下,共设有360个观测站,其中水文站107处,水位站211处,雨量站42处。在360个测站中,计有水位观测337处,流量观测113处,降雨量观测261处,蒸发量观测159处,输沙率观?测60处,含沙量观测78处,水温观测16处,冰雪测量72处,气温观测104处,气压观测17处,风向风速观测121处,云量、云状、日照观测各10处,天气状况观测167处,推移质观测26处,河床质观测26处。(这些测站大多数分布在长江中下游干支流上,长江上游通天河一带还是水文空白区,金沙江干支流设站较少。)由于过去布站工作缺乏全面规划,没有布站的具体原则,因而测站布设及观测项目布置均存在若干 -, Basic Conditions In 1955, a total of 1,542 hydrological and meteorological observation stations (including provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities) were established in the Yangtze River Basin from the Dengko (rainfall station), Niududu (traffic station), and down to Haikou in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River. The station set up). Among them are hydrological station 311, water level station 595, and rainfall station 636. Our stations are mainly located in the Yangtze River, the Han River and the main tributaries of the tail, from the Jinsha River Ping Shan, down to Haikou, six hydrological stations, a hydrological team under the leadership of a total of 360 Observation stations, including hydrological stations 107, 211 water level stations, rainfall stations 42. Among the 360 ​​stations, there are 337 water level observation stations, 113 flow rate observation stations, 261 rainfall observation stations, 159 evaporation observation stations, 60 sediment transport rate observation sites, 78 sediment concentration observation sites and water temperature observation sites of 16 72 ice and snow measurements, 104 temperature observations, 17 atmospheric pressure observations, 121 wind speed and wind speed observations, 10 cloudiness, cloudiness and sunlight observations, 167 weather conditions, 26 places. (Most of these stations are located in the dry tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the upper reaches of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are also hydrologic empty areas, and there are fewer stations in the Jinsha River.) Due to the lack of comprehensive planning and the specific principles of distributing stations in the past, Therefore, the layout of the station layout and observation project there are several
一、导言 調压室湧浪計算通常应用下列三种方法: 1.公式法在初步研究阶段,用公式法計算可以很快的得出最高及最低湧浪数值,但是这种結果是不很准确的,且不能得出波动的全部