Recent Developments in Cooling Using Blowing

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fogflower
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Influence of the blowing through a porous flat plate and a circular cylinder has been studied. Experimental and numerical results agree and show a thickening of the boundary layers, both dynamic and thermal. The thermal protection effectiveness has been quantified for the two geometries, and comparisons between discrete injection and blowing, in the case of the flat plate, were carried out, showing a stronger impact of the latter. Finally, the blowing influence on the primary instability properties results in a decrease of the vortex shedding frequency and a modification of the shear layer.  Influence of the blowing through a porous flat plate and a circular cylinder has been studied. Experimental and numerical results agree and show a thickening of the boundary layers, both dynamic and thermal. The thermal protection effectiveness has been quantified for the two geometries, and comparisons between discrete injection and blowing, in the case of the flat plate, were carried out, showing a stronger impact of the latter. Finally, the blowing influence on the primary instability properties results in a decrease of the vortex shedding frequency and a modification of the shear layer. 
前段时间,参加了优质课竞赛,总觉得设想得不是那么完美,几经交流讨论,我发现所有的教学目标都是老三点:①学会本课的生字新词;②正确、 Some time ago, participated in the
在文言文这座古老的苑囿中,盛开着一朵芬芳、耀眼的奇葩,那就是兼词。在这个“奇葩”家族中,兼词词语虽为数不多,但使用却相当广泛,而且遍贯古籍,长盛不衰。  那么,什么是兼词呢?就是兼有两个词的意义的特殊单音节词。它的读音往往也是两个词的拼合,因此,兼词又称合音词。  下面,针对古籍中常见的几个兼词,笔者做一例释,以期有助于同学们备考。  一、 焉。“焉”做兼词时是“于之”或“于是(此)”的合音。它包
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