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  According to the World Wildlife Fund, at last count in 2004, there were about 1,600 pandas alive in the wild. Around 350 pandas live under human care at zoos or breeding centers globally, and roughly 50 of those are outside China.
  China is the owner of all the giant pandas around the world, which are selectively loaned to other countries. The fee for a pair of pandas is usually $1 million a year, which goes to the funds of protection efforts in China. Rentals typically last for 10 years, with a renewal option.
  Cost of Raising Pandas
  Caring for a panda can easily cost over $1 million a year, said Dave Towne, president of the Giant Panda Conservation Foundation for North America. Aside from trainers and medical care, pandas need to eat—and they’re fussy and eat a lot. A few years ago, the U.S. National Zoo sought bamboo donations as its pandas eat too quickly through the supply.
  Baby Tax and Extra Fees
  Zoos are expected to make every effort to breed pandas. If newborn cubs live to about six months, centers are required to pay a $200,000 fee to China. And once the cubs reach four years of age, they have to be returned to China.
  If any of the cute pandas dies on its watch due to human mistakes, the zoo needs to pay a $500,000 fine.
  Zoo Selection
  Countries must prove that they have the ability to breed pandas and are committed to protection. For example, pandas prefer a cool climate, the panda home should better keep a temperature around 10℃ to 20℃.
  Supporting facilities and expertise don’t come cheaply. Belgium’s two pandas will soon arrive, and an $11 million panda home is currently under construction. In Hong Kong, special caretakers were even sent for training at panda research centers in Sichuan.
  Panda Transport
  After an agreement is settled, the pandas are flown to their destination with “first class treatment”. Singapore Airlines even operated a special flight to transport that country’s pandas.
  Takeoff and landing are carefully timed, depending on the season or the time of the day, to ensure the fur-balls are comfortable.
  World Wildlife Fund
  Giant Panda Conservation Foundation for North America北美大熊猫保护基金会
  caretaker 管理员
  (1) How many pandas currently live under human care in China?
  A. About 1600. B. About 350.
  C. About 300. D. About 50.
  (2) What is the yearly cost of caring for a panda?
  A. More than $1 million.
  B. About $500,000.
  C. Around $200,000.
  D. About $11 million.
  (3) How is Belgium preparing for the arrival of two pandas?
  A. Special caretakers are receiving training at panda research centers in Sichuan.
  B. An expensive home for pandas is being built.
  C. A special flight has been scheduled to transport the pandas.
  D. A government approval has been granted to import pandas.
【题目】  阅读下面文字,根据要求作文。(60分)  老刘网购被骗54.4万元。其实他在被骗7万元时,已发觉这是个骗局,但他继续汇款,意在把数额弄大,让公安介入,最终骗子被抓。网友调侃老刘“有钱就是这么任性”。  “任性”由此成了流行语,如“长得帅就是任性”“成绩好就是任性”“年轻就是任性”“有权就是任性”……  任性: 放任自己的性子,不加约束。(《现代汉语词典》)  综合上述材料,结合你的所思
1. Old men are twice children.  老人如小孩。  2. An old wise man’s shadow is better than a young buzzard’s sword.  老圣贤的影子胜过小糊涂蛋的剑。  3. An old dog will not learn new tricks.  人老不学新手艺。  4. An old bird is not
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