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《齐桓晋文之事》一文中,第179页注释②说“快于心”之意是使心里痛快,并进而点明:“快”,使动用法。此注值得商榷。所谓使动用法,即动词(包括活用作动词的名词、形容词)对它的宾语含有使之怎么样的意思,这就是说使动用法的词起码得有宾语。“快于心”中的“心”是介词“于”的宾语,是介词短语的组成部分,介词短语是 “Qi Huan Jin Wen things,” a text, note on page 179 ② said “faster than the heart” means to make the heart happy, and then point out: “fast” to make use of the law. This note is questionable. So-called usage, that is, verbs (including verbs used as verbs, adjectives) to its object contains what makes it mean, that is to say that the use of the word at least have the object. “Heart” in “faster than heart” is the object of preposition “于”, is an integral part of the prepositional phrase, the prepositional phrase is
AIM: To study the effects of low-dose amitriptyline (AMT) on gastrointestinal function and brain-gut peptides in healthy Chinese volunteers. METHODS: This was a
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1999年11月1日 ,安徽省庐江县城。一场突如其来的大火 ,使绣溪园商城里的一切全乱了……大火突起 ,绣溪园成了“火园”绣溪园商城是庐江县最大的小商品批发市场 ,北面与县百货大楼和
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