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站在宽阔的南京鼓楼广场向南眺望,在位于中山路西侧的291号,有一座并不高大,但却修缮一新的三开间门楼,门楼背面有“亲爱精诚”四个大字,这是中山先生1924年6月16日在广州黄埔军校开学典礼上,为军校亲自制定的“校训”,也是中山先生对莘莘学子的勉励和期望。在开学典礼的阅兵式 Standing on the wide Nanjing Drum Tower Square, looking south, on the west side of Zhongshan Road, No. 291, there is a not tall but renovated three-bay door with the “dear sincerely” on the back of the building. On June 16, 1924, at the opening ceremony of the Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou, Dr. Sun Yat-sen created the “motto” for the military academy and was also the encouragement and expectation of Mr. Sun Yat-sen to the students. Parade at the opening ceremony
血城 每天都有成百上千辆汽车行驶在特拉维夫到耶路撒冷之间的高速公路上,当这条蜿蜒的公里通过前往阿什都德的公路交叉口时,人们会看到一座英国人在托管时期遗留下来的要塞
配合我刊的鼻烟壶市场调查系列专题,本期隆重推出世界级收藏家刘修敬的鼻烟壶藏品鉴赏,为国内独家刊登,在此特别感谢新加坡饮流斋陶瓷鉴赏会的鼎力协助。 ——编者 With my
Objective: To evaluate the influence of gestational age on uterine scar rupture. Methods: This was a population-based study of data from Cardiff Births Survey o
糖尿病周围神经病变是糖尿病常见并发症之一,也是糖尿病致残常见的原因。笔者在常规治疗的基础上加用金纳多治疗本病,取得满意疗效。现报告如下。 临床资料:本文48例2型糖尿
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether magnesium sulfate decreases postoperative pain and analgesic consumption. Study design: Women who
盖之庸所著《内蒙古辽代石刻文研究》(内蒙古大学出版社 ,2 0 0 2年 5月 )是内蒙古已发现的辽代汉文石刻文 (以下的石刻文都指汉文 )的总汇 ,共收录石刻文 6 8篇 (其中《秦晋
Objectives. To determine the feasibility, safety and limiting factors of laparoscopic management of pelvic mass in pregnancy. Material and methods. During a 10-
Recall the clinical signs and personal and family medical history suggestive of Elhers-Danlos syndrome, mainly type IV. Review of literature and presentation of