在武术教学中,教师口令喊得怎样,会直接影响学生完成动作。因此,武术的口令除了要宏亮外,还需要善于根据不同的教学阶段,采取多种多样的口令。现谈谈几种常用的武术口令。 1.示范性口令学生初学动作时,教师应先呼动作名称,后做示范动作,随着示范动作的出现,再发口令,这样就容易使学生更快地掌握正确动作。示范性口令的节奏要缓慢,以给学生一定的思考时间。 2.提示性口令这种口令是在呼号的前面加上动作名称或要领,如“弓步冲拳——l”。前面的动作名称是预令,后面的呼号是动令。预令应有拖音。提示性口令多在学生比较容易做错或遗忘的动作时运用。 3.一般性口令这种口令是一动一个呼号,如初级拳每段八个动作,口
In martial arts teaching, how the teacher's password shouts, will directly affect the students to complete the action. Therefore, in addition to martial arts password to be grand, but also need to be good at different stages of teaching, take a wide range of passwords. Now talk about several commonly used martial arts password. 1. Exemplary password Students begin the action, the teacher should call for the first name, after the demonstration action, with the demonstration action, re-issued the password, so that students can easily grasp the correct action faster. The pace of the demo password is slow, giving students some thought time. Prompt password This password is added in front of the call sign name or method of action, such as “fist punch - l”. The name of the action in front is pre-order, followed by the call sign is the mobile. Order should have the soundtracks. Prompted passwords are often used when students make mistakes or forgotten moves. 3. General password This password is a call a call, such as the primary fist of eight movements, mouth