
来源 :实用护理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ai2009ni
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护理专业在实施素质教育中有很多方法,但学校作为对学生实施素质教育的主要部门,必须强调护理专业素质教育的基本渠道在课堂。应该通过改革课程设置、完善课程体系;重视学生能力的培养,强化临床专业实践教学;大力加强选修课,增加数量,提高质量;重视隐性课程的开发和利用等,在实施素质教育课程化方面,发挥学校和教师作为素质教育主力军的作用。 Nursing majors have many methods in the implementation of quality education. However, as the main department for implementing quality education for students, the school must emphasize the basic channels of nursing professional quality education in the classroom. It is necessary to reform the curriculum and improve the curriculum system; attach importance to the cultivation of student abilities and strengthen the practical teaching of clinical specialty; vigorously strengthen elective courses, increase the quantity, and improve the quality; attach importance to the development and use of hidden curriculum, etc., in the implementation of quality education curriculum To play the role of schools and teachers as the main force for quality education.
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Breakfast is the first meal of the day.Experts say that we eat a healthy breakfast to give us energy throughout the day.Oatmeal(燕麦片),cereal(谷类食品),wheat t
经过近两年的酝酿和制作,和好友、著名音乐人冯晓泉联手为北京2008年奥运会创作的《人类是一家》《You are number one》(你是第一),从全球近8万首征集作品中脱颖而出,分别荣
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1 农村妇幼健康教育需求状况湖北省某市曾在1996年5月对该市部分农村进行了“生命知识”基线调查。了解到目标人群对“生命知识”的知晓率较低,相关行为不理想。例如:32.0%
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