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社会事业发展程度是群众生活水平的晴雨表。苏州市吴江区盛泽镇的社会事业主要职能有七项,起着服务民生、助推经济的作用。盛泽的社会事业发展新举措,致力于塑造服务品牌,增强地区发展软实力。一、民政实现共享,积极搭好社会保护伞;教育助力发展,努力实现公平教育民政是魂。社会的发展和进步,需要对老年群体提供配套服务、对弱势群体进行扶贫帮困、社会救助照顾,同时发挥 The degree of development of social undertakings is a barometer of the living standards of the masses. Shengze Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, has seven major social functions in society, serving the livelihood of the people and boosting the economy. Shengze new initiatives in the development of social undertakings, is committed to shaping the service brand, enhance the soft power of the development of the region. First, to achieve the sharing of civil affairs, and actively set up a social umbrella; help education development, and strive to achieve fair education Civil affairs is the soul. Social development and progress need to provide supporting services to the elderly groups, poverty alleviation and social assistance for disadvantaged groups, and at the same time
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目的 :在临床实践中对垂体腺瘤进行分期 ,并以指导临床治疗。方法 :依据肿瘤的大小及患者内分泌情况进行分期 ,以T表示肿瘤的大小 ,S表示内分泌紊乱的程度 ,临床分期 :Ⅰ期T1
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