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二○一○年十二月二十五日,由苏州市文联、市美术家协会、市书法家协会、市书画研究会、吴门画派研究会联合举办的《纪念唐寅诞辰五百四十周年当代天门名家书画展》在该市文联艺术家展厅开幕。来目全国各地的书画创作,高校教育、史学研究、文博鉴赏等诸领域的五十多名专家、学者举办学术研讨,对唐寅的诗文书画的巨大影响以及在中国文化史上的地 December 25, 2010, jointly organized by Suzhou City Federation of Literary and Art Circles, City Artists Association, City Calligraphers Association, City Calligraphy and Painting Research Association and Wumen Painting School Research Institute to commemorate the 50th birthday of Tang Yin Anniversary of the contemporary Tianmen masters calligraphy and painting exhibition "in the city art exhibition opened. More than 50 experts and scholars from various fields such as painting and calligraphy creation, university education, history research and cultural appreciation won the academic seminar, exerting great influence on Tang Yin’s poetry and calligraphy and painting as well as in the history of Chinese culture
通过对青藏高原野生灌木树种狭果茶麓进行4 a的播种育苗实践,总结了狭果茶麓种子处理、整地、播种、苗期管理等育苗技术.
腹部淋巴结主要位于腹腔及腹膜后间隙, 解剖上收集腹盆部淋巴结外器官的淋巴引流.
The working conditions of diesel motors used in somespecial condition are complex. By using microcomputer control,A/D conversion and digital tele-communication
北美放射学会(Radiological Society of North America,RSNA)是由美国和加拿大两国于1915年发起成立的地区性放射学术团体,当初正值伦琴射线发现近20年,遂定名为西部伦琴学会
The ways to program the respond to input equipmentin Borland C++Builder program language are introduced in thispaper. It also presents all the examples for keyb
颈纵隔气肿较少见 ,CT因有很高的密度分辨力 ,不但能显示积气的部位 ,还能鉴别积气的原因 ,对指导临床治疗有重要价值。笔者收集本院 1990~ 2 0 0 3年经CT、临床或手术证实的