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最近几天,千呼万唤了半年时间的杭州透明售房系统--透明网开始试运行。据称,年底可以正式运行。届时,购房者可以在这张透明网上查到所有在售楼盘各种信息,可售的、已售的、已经预订的、不可销售的等等,一目了然,过去开发商所谓的销控将成为历史。无论开发商愿意不愿意,无论最终的结果是否能真的让人满意,我们还是应该为这样的透明鼓鼓掌,为购房者能够了解到更多的信息而感到欣慰。 In recent days, after a long-awaited six months of Hangzhou transparent sales system - transparent network began trial operation. It is said that the end of the year can be formally run. By then, buyers can find all the information on the sale of real estate in this transparent network, salable, sold, has been booked, non-salable, etc., at a glance, the so-called sales control developers will become history . Regardless of whether the developer is willing or not, no matter whether the final result is really satisfactory, we should still applaud such a transparent drum and feel pleased that buyers can learn more.
目的 探讨儿科护士心理资本和心理契约对职业倦怠的影响,以及分析心理契约的中介作用.方法 采用横断面调查方法,于2019年11月-2020年1月抽取青岛市3所三级甲等和3所三级乙等
目的 比较球囊面罩与气管插管辅助通气在院前心搏骤停(sudden cardiac arrest,SCA)患者心肺复苏(cardio pulmonary resuscitation,CPR)中的应用效果.方法 以上海市医疗急救中
我渴望画出这样的风景画,画面物象既是抽象的,又是真实的。 整体真实的自然景象蕴涵抽象的精神升腾。让我的灵魂在纵横交错的线条里飘荡,凄丽又悲壮,与草木共舞,与天地共存