
来源 :中德临床肿瘤学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anilit
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Objective:To investigate the correlations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-positive tumor anglogenesis and the quantifiable parameters of blood flow pattern derived with dynamic CT in solitary bronchogenic adenocarcinoma.Methods:30 patients with VEGF-positive bronchogenic adenocarcinomas (diameter≤4 cm) underwent multi-location dynamic contrast matedal..enhanced (nonionic contrast material was administrated via the antecubital vein at a rate of 4 mL/sec by using an autoinjector) serial CT.The quantifiable parameters (Perfusion,peak height,ratio of peak height of the bronchogenic adenocarcinoma to that of the aorta and mean transit time) of blood flow pattern derived with dynamic CT in solitary bronchogenic adenocarcinoma were compared with microvessel densities (MVDs) and VEGF expression by immunohistochemistry.Results:Peak height of VEGF-positive bronchogenic adenocarcinoma was 36.06 HU + 13.57 HU,bronchogenic adenocarcinoma-to-aorta ratio 14.25%±4.92,and perfusion value 29.66±5.60 mL/min/100 g,mean transit time 14.86 s±5.84 s,and MVD 70.15±20.03.Each of peak height,ratio of peak height of the bronchogenic adenocarcinoma to that of the aorta and perfusion correlated positively with MVD (r=0.781,P<0.0001;r=0.688,P<0.0001;r=0.716,P<0.0001;respectively).No significant correlation was found between mean transit time and MVD (r=0.260,P=0.200>0.05).Conclusion:Perfusion,peak height and ratio of peak height of the bronchogenic adenocarcinoma to that of the aorta reflect MVD in VEGF-pesitive bronchogenic adenocarcinoma.Perfusion,peak height and ratio of peak height of the bronchogenic adenocarcinoma to that of the aorta derived with dynamic CT might be index for VEGF-related tumor angiogenesis in bronchogenic adenocercinoma.
病例:患者,女,73岁,因病毒感染于2007年8月9日晨7:50于我院输液中心静脉滴注阿昔洛韦250 mg,8:50患者突然感到全身不适,伴有恶心、呕吐、大汗,自诉胸闷、胸痛、气短,立即停止
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